Images in respect of Mother. Why we love, value and respect our mother?


   In this post I present following things:

   1.What is mother love?

   2.What makes a mother’s love special?

    3.What is mother love for a child?

     4.What is unconditional love of a mother?

      5.Why do you respect your mother?

      6.Why mother is important in our life?

       7.What is mother value?

       8.Always respect your mother….

        9.Attractive images of mother love and respect.


    1.What is mother love?

       “Mother” is a word that cannot be uttered without the combination of both lips. As soon as we hear the word mother, our hearts and minds are refreshed as if the rain refreshes the barren land. A home without a mother always looks deserted. Allah Almighty gave the mother the status of placing heaven under her feet. Mother’s love is that deep sea, the depth of which no one has ever been able to measure and will never be able to measure. Mother’s love is the mountain of Himalayas whose heights no one has been able to touch till today, mother’s love is that everlasting flower on which autumn never comes, mother is sacrificed for her children. Writing about the mother is like closing the sea in a jar.  

      2.What makes a mother’s love special?

       The love of every relationship can be expressed in words but the love of a mother is indescribable. Mother is a combination of three letters, but the whole universe is within her. Proof of the greatness and greatness of the mother is more than that, when the Almighty God claims His love for man, He makes the mother an example for him. The mother is the one who is rewarded like Hajj just by looking at her with love.

   3.What is mother love for a child?

 A man carried his mother on his shoulders and performed seven Hajj and said, “Today I have paid my dues.” Then a voice came from the unseen saying, “You have not paid your dues even for one night when you wet the bed in your sleep.” It was your mother who laid you down in a dry place and she herself lay down in a wet place.

 It is said that if there is a measure of the beginning and end of love in the world, it can be found in just one word and that word is “mother”. All the relationships of the world on one side and the eternal relationship like a mother on the other side. A “mother” is the beginning of love that raises her child in her womb for nine months. In these nine months, with every passing moment, she becomes a complete prayer for this child to come into the world. The child who has not yet come into the world does not go through any hardships for the sake of it, but it is possible that even the slightest suspicion for this child may come on his forehead which causes him pain before he comes.  

     4.what is unconditional love of a mother?

 Mosa (peace be upon him) was about to converse with Allah after the death of his mother when he stumbled and fell on the way. Take care, there is no praying mother behind you now. Prophet Mosa (peace be upon him) once asked Allah Almighty who will be with me in Paradise? It was said that he would be such and such a butcher. You were a little surprised and went in search of this butcher. There he saw a butcher selling meat in his shop. Finishing his business, he wrapped a piece of meat in a cloth and left for home. Mosa asked permission to visit the butcher’s house as a guest to learn more about the house. When he reached home, the butcher cooked the meat, then cooked the bread, softened the pieces in the broth and went to another room where a very weak old woman was lying on the bed.

 The butcher barely supported him and kept putting a bite in his mouth. When he had finished eating, he wiped his face. The old woman said something in the butcher’s ear which made the butcher smile and lay the old woman back down and came out. Mosa who was watching all this, asked the butcher who this woman was and what did she say in your ear that made you smile? The butcher said, “Hey, stranger!” This woman is my mother. When I come home, I do his work first, this day happily prays to me that Allah will keep you in paradise with Prophet Mosa (peace be upon him) on which I smile where I am and Mosa Kaleem Allah Where.

    5.Why do you respect your mother?

 There is no true and sincere relationship in the world except mother. Mother is the most trustworthy, compassionate and selfless loving great being, in whose cool shadows of compassion and love we all forget the sorrows and pains of the world. A mother never lets her children suffer, mother’s kind hands are always raised before God for her children.

      6.Why mother is important in our life?

  The mother is the one whose blessing is not a substitute, the mother is like a dense tree that hides all her children under the cool shade of her motherhood in the scorching sun of misery. Only a mother can give such love. Even if the whole life is named after him, even if the right is not paid, he cannot be rewarded even for one night. Where the mother is mentioned, it should be understood that the place of literature has come. Allah must have created the mother knowing that when a loser is tired of failures, he should take refuge in his mother’s arms and tell his mother all his sorrows, griefs and sorrows, and when the mother lovingly touches his forehead. Kiss all his worries and anxieties.

 The mother carries an ocean of compassion and mercy inside her. As soon as she sees her children in trouble, the mother’s heart aches. The waves of the ocean of love inside him start beating and take away all the sorrows. Mother is like a moon. There is a moving form of God’s love on earth. Love and goodness are also hidden in the mother’s scolding. She never scolds from the heart. The mother never curses anyone from the heart who showed the heart of the mother as if he came into the world unscathed and returned to the Hereafter. The position of this being is greater than the whole universe. The vastness of the world is hidden in this being.

      7.What is mother value?

 In the Qur’an, Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has made obedience to one’s parents obligatory along with one’s devotion, and in the light of the hadith of this obedience, in exchange for the mother’s obedience, eternal blessings of Paradise have been promised, because the mother’s love and affection. I do not hide any purpose, mother does not want revenge for her loyalty and that is why there is no example of blessing like Mamta and there is no precedent. Mother’s love is never ending, mother’s love is the center of manifestation and source of life, mother is the figure of truth in which there is no structure.

 O mother, your love is as clear as the moon. O mother, your prayers are the total capital of life for us, O mother, you are the light of the house and the way to heaven for us.

 We also read about such incidents in print and electronic media in which sons kill their mothers for property. The unfortunate children leave their mother on the side of the road or in old homes as an economic burden. The present age is of the soul, in which we are all moving away from our traditions and unfortunately we are also moving away from the duties of Islam. One of them is also kind to the parents that in the blind imitation of the West, we are also becoming old houses. Parents are being driven out of their homes by their children or separated from them. And I am not at all ashamed of this indifference, cruelty. In the present age, abusive, abusive, sarcastic and heartbreaking words have become commonplace. The children are so busy that they do not have time to sit with their parents and talk.

 In Europe, children grow up to have their parents admitted to old homes. Following in the footsteps of the West, this is now being done in Asia as well. Pakistan, an Islamic country, has also become an old home. Today’s materialistic society has severely affected the family system. Respect for parents is becoming limited to rituals, children are addicted to earning a living. Mom just cries when she’s forced to.

     8.Always respect your mother….

 In our new generation, the trend of respect for parents seems to be declining. Most people forget the kindness of their parents and forget their hard work and love. Some people happily take care of their parents but can’t find time for them. I want to tell such people that parents need more time, love and service for their children than money or anything else. They can be happy by eating dry food if they are respected and loved.

 There is a need to work as much as possible on the rights of worship on our scholars, teachers and print and electronic media as well as on social media etc. so that the new generation can know their Islamic duties. The most important thing is to be made aware of the reckoning of the Hereafter. It is wisdom to fear the Hereafter. Mistreatment of parents is a grave sin and the greatest sin after shirk.

 There is no denying the fact that the second form of God’s love in the world is motherhood. When a person comes into this world, there is only one mother who adopts him the most. Mother’s love is the only and true love in which there is no hypocrisy, pretense, fabrication. There are clear injunctions in the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for treating parents well and paying their dues. Islam has given special importance to the payment of mother’s rights. Heaven is under the feet of the mother, which means that not all acts of worship together can be equal to the service of the mother, so we must always be diligent in paying this right till death do us part. Anxiety will end.

      9.Attractive images of mother love and respect.

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