Different names of Friday and why prayers accept on Friday?


     In this post I present following things:

   1.Meaning of Friday.

    2.Different names of Friday.

     3.Importance of Friday in Islam.

     4.Why is Friday is so important?

      5.Why is Friday blessed?

      6.What can you do on Friday in Islam?

       7.What does Muhammad (sws) say about Friday?

       8.Do Muslims celebrate good Friday?

        9.Prayers accept on Friday.
       10.Attractive images of Jumma Mubarak wishes.


   1.Meaning of Friday.

Friday is an Arabic word. Derived from Ijtema, Friday (the day of gathering). The children of Adam (pbuh) will be gathered on the same day either because Adam (pbuh) and Eve (pbuh) met on earth on the same day or in Islam when it was declared the day of gathering of Muslims it was called Friday went.


    2.Different names of Friday.

     Many names of Friday have been mentioned in Hadith Sharif. Sayyid al-Ayyam (the chief of days), 

Khair al-Ayyam (the best day), Afzal al-Ayyam (the day of the most virtuous), 

Shahidat, (the day of the attendants), 

Yom al-Muzid (the day of excess of blessings),

 Eid al-Mu’minin (the Eid of the Muslims), Was called Yom Aruba (Day of Mercy). Friday is actually an Islamic term.

  3.Importance of Friday in Islam.

        Among the Jews, the Saturday was a day of worship because God had saved the Israelites from Pharaoh’s tyranny. Christians set Sunday as the day to separate themselves from the Jews. Although no command of it was given by Jesus nor is it mentioned in the Gospels. Islam, in order to distinguish its nation from these two nations, chose Friday instead of these two days for the gathering of worship and for this reason Friday is called the day of Eid of the Muslims.


   4.Why is Friday is so important?

        Explaining its virtue, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that Adam (peace be upon him) was born on the same day and was admitted to Paradise on the same day and was expelled from Paradise on the same day and the Hour will come on that day. In another hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about Friday: On that day your father Adam was born and on that day the trumpet will be blown and on that day people will be raised from the graves and on that day there will be severe seizure.

 It is narrated from Hazrat Imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) that he said that the status of Friday night is more than Laylatul Qadr. Because on that night the Holy Prophet (sws) appeared in the womb of his mother Majida and the visit of the Holy Prophet (sws) caused so much good and blessings in this world and the hereafter which cannot be counted.


     5.Why is Friday blessed?

           Friday is better than all other days. In the sight of Allah, it has a higher status than all other days.

 Friday has five features.  

1. On the same day Allah created Adam(A.S).

 2. On the same day, Adam (peace be upon him) was sent down to earth as a caliph.

 3. Adam died on the same day.

  4. There is a popular hour in the same day that if a person asks Allah for something lawful and pure in that hour, it will be given to him.

  5.The Hour will come on that day.

       The angels close to God, the heavens and the earth, the wind, the mountains, the river, there is nothing that does not tremble and be afraid of Friday.

    6.What can you do on Friday in Islam?

    Every Muslim must take a bath on the same day, clean his hair and body and brush his teeth. Because brushing is also a great virtue on this day. After bathing, wear nice clothes and, if possible, apply perfume and trim nails. Go to the Jama Masjid very early. The sooner a person goes, the more he will be rewarded. Blessed is the instruction of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who performed ghusl on Friday with the utmost care as one performs ghusl in order to attain purity and then when he first arrives at the mosque, he is as if he had sacrificed a camel. When he arrived in the second hour, it was as if he had sacrificed a cow or a buffalo, and when he arrived in the third hour, it was as if he had sacrificed a horned ram, and when he arrived in the fourth hour, it was as if he had given an egg in the way of God. ۔  

Then when the Khatib comes out to deliver the sermon, the angels leave the door of the mosque, sit in the mosque to listen to the sermon and offer prayers.

   7.What does Muhammad (sws) say about Friday?

 Explaining the virtue of Jumu’ah, the Holy Prophet (sws) said that there is a time in which a Muslim who is obliged to offer prayers is granted by Allah Almighty whatever he asks for.

 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about the virtue of Friday prayers: I think I should order a man to lead the prayers and then set fire to the houses of those who have left Friday prayers.

    When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to deliver the sermon, his blessed eyes would turn red and his voice would become louder. It was as if he was threatening an army that it was going to attack in the morning and in the evening. Is.

 In his sermon, the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to teach his companions the principles, rules and laws of Islam, and if it was a matter of command and prohibition. He used to say command and prohibition.

 Hazrat Jabir bin Samra says that the prayers of the Holy Prophet were moderate and the sermon was moderate. He would recite a few verses of the Qur’an and then give advice to the people.

       The Friday sermon is commanded to be listened to very quietly and calmly so that it can be fully utilized in a calm and spiritual atmosphere. This is because it is a place of worship and not of oratory. During the sermon, conversation is strictly forbidden. Even the man sitting next to him is forbidden to speak. Because it will also make a difference in the peace and dignity that is required in the sermon.

  8.Do Muslims celebrate good Friday?

 Hazrat Imam Ghazali writes in his book Al-Ahya Al-Uloom:

        As long as there was real Islam among the Muslims, after Fajr on Friday, the streets and alleys of the cities seemed to be full of people. Because everyone used to go to the mosque very early. There used to be a lot of dragons, like in the days of Eid, then this method kept going. People said that this is the first innovation that was born in Islam. He goes on to say why Muslims are not ashamed. It is up to the Jews and Christians to learn how they eagerly go to their synagogues on the day of their worship, the Jewish Saturday, the Christian Sunday, and how early the Taliban reach the markets of the world to buy and sell. So why don’t the Taliban advance?

 Islam has fixed Friday as a day in the week in which Muslims from all parts of the city and surrounding areas gather to worship this seventh day. The benefits of gathering Muslims from all over the world in one place during the two Eids of the year and once a year on the day of Hajj is obviously the benefit of all these gatherings to promote the unity and harmony that these days There is a shortage. Today the rows of gatherings of Muslims are fragmented, their hearts are turned away from each other and their prostrations have become tasteless and their souls have not remained in a state of collective spirit and heart.

 When Iraq ibn Malik finished his Friday prayers, he would stand at the door of the mosque and say:


 O Allah! Surely I accepted your invitation and I prayed your duty and I went out as you commanded me, so give me sustenance from Your bounty and You are the best of providers.

 The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that Allah hid the greatness and virtue of Friday from the Jews and Christians who were before you, so they went astray. For the Jews it was Saturday, and for the Christians it was Sunday. So they are behind us till the Day of Resurrection. We have come to the end from the people of this world and our decision will be before all the people. That is, they will be present in the court of God. The reason is that the world began on Sunday and ended on Friday in the afternoon. Therefore, he who is born on a Friday is full of virtues. Therefore, his virtue requires that he be the first to succeed in the court of God, because he is the assembly of all virtues and the leader of all.

    9.Prayers accept on Friday.

 Hazrat Mazhar Jan Janan once said that there is a time on Friday when prayers are accepted. People asked him, “Hazrat, if we get that hour, what should we pray for?” He said, “We should pray for good company.”

      10.Attractive images of Jumma Mubarak wishes.

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