Dua Parents.
“Oh my god Give me Tawfeeq Atafar that I should be grateful for the kindness you have shown to me and my parents and do good deeds which you like and make my children righteous, I turn to you and repent and I am certainly one of the obedient ones”
Allah, has divide human beings in different relationships, some of them have been made fathers, some have been given the status of mothers, and some have been given the status of sons, and some have been given the pure relationship of daughters. Allaah has ordained their rights in this regard. It is not necessary to pay for each of these rights. He said, “This is an indication that the greatest right in relationships belongs to the parents.”
1. Dua for parents health and long life.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Translation: And your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and deal kindly with your parents, if they (the parents) reach old age in your life, whether one of them is old or Never say “I am” to either of them (and if you find any of them annoying) nor shake them or speak to them politely, and bow before them with compassion and humility and thus pray Keep on doing: Our Lord! So have mercy on them, as they brought me up as a child (not merely showing off, but respecting them with all your heart). Mistakes are often forgiven.
In this verse, Allah the Exalted has first commanded us to worship and obey Him, saying that you should not worship anyone other than Me, then He has commanded you to treat your parents with kindness. Children should think that parents are not the only reason for my existence. But whatever I am today, I am blessed by them, it is the parents who not only endure all kinds of pain and suffering for the sake of their children; Sacrifice for
2.Dua for mother.
The mother endures the most hard work and hardship. In Surah Al-Ahqaf, Allah Almighty says:
Translation: This mother endured the pain and put it in her womb and after enduring the pain she gave birth to it.
When a child is born, the father endures hard work for his upbringing, whether it is cold or hot, health or illness, he endures the hardships of earning a living for the sake of his children and He earns for them, spends on them, the mother raises the child inside the house, breastfeeds him, bears heat and cold to protect him from heat and cold, the child is insured. When this happens, the parents become restless, their sleep becomes haraam, they go to the doctors for its treatment. Parents sacrifice their comforts for the sake of their children. Therefore, where Allah Almighty has commanded us to give thanks, He has also commanded us to give thanks to our parents. :
Translation: Give thanks to me and give thanks to your parents, come back to me.
Hazrat Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Someone asked Hazrat Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that I carried my mother from Khurasan on my shoulder and brought her to Bait-ul-Allah and in the same way she should perform Hajj. Did I pay my mother’s due? Then Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Was
3. Jannah dua for parents who have passed away.
If a parent or one of them dies and there is a lack of good behavior in life, then the Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught him how to remedy it. Hazrat Abu Sayyid (RA) says that we While they were sitting in the service, a man came and asked, “Is there anything I can do to help them after the death of their parents?” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
Yes! Pray for mercy for them, pray for forgiveness for them, do not disregard their will after them and fulfill the reward of mercy which is only due to the relationship of parents, their friends. Do respect When Hazrat Abu Barda (RA) came to Madinah, Hazrat Ibn Umar (RA) came to meet him and asked, “Do you know why I have come to you?” He said no, then he said: I have heard from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):
Whoever wants to make peace with his father in the grave, then he should treat his friends well after him. There was friendship between my father Omar and your father. I wish that I Take care of it (that is why I have come to see you).
That is, treat them with utmost humility and respect, do not be rude, do not be arrogant, obey them in all circumstances, unless they order disobedience to Allah, then their Obedience is not permissible. In Surah Ankabut, Allah Almighty says:
We have enjoined on man to be kind to his parents, and we have told you that if they accuse you of associating anything with me, there is no proof that there is a god. If you don’t have it, don’t listen to them.
Hazrat Hassan’s statement: Someone asked Hazrat Hassan, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, how to treat his parents kindly. So they said: Spend your wealth on them, and obey what they command you, but if they command you to sin, do not obey.
Hazrat Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Hazrat Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that one of the good deeds towards parents is that you should not wash your clothes in front of them. Don’t go
4.Dua for parents health and long life.
Allah Almighty specifically mentions the reading of the parents and says that if one or both of them reach the stage of reading in your life, do not say “F” to them and do not Talk to you soon and keep up the good content. Hazrat Tha Navee (may Allah have mercy on him) has done the translation of “F” in Bayan-ul-Quran by saying “I am” that if any of his words go unnoticed, he should not even say “I am” in reply. God, the Lord of Glory, mentions the state of old age especially because in the youth of the parents, the children would not have the courage to say “I am” and would not have the fear of being rude and insolent in youth. happens; However, in old age, when parents become weak and in need of children, then there is a great fear of it. Parents get angry at their children even for trivial things, so now is the time to test their children to show kindness by enduring it, or to answer the question with a frown. For this reason, Allah Almighty has commanded that it is a far cry to answer and talk without hesitation, do not say “F” to them and do not express even slight dislike towards them.
Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said that even if the parent’s rudeness was less than “F”, Allah (swt) would have forbidden it.
Hazrat Mujahid (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Hazrat Mujahid (may Allah have mercy on him) said that even if the parents get old and you have to wash their urine, do not say “F” that they used to wash your urine and faeces in 55 years.
5.Respect of parents.
It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that she said that a man came to the service of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and there was an old man with him. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked who is? The man replied that he was my father. He said:
That is, do not walk in front of them, do not sit in front of them in the assembly, do not call them by their name, do not give them a song.
In old age, when something bad happened to the parents, how to talk to them, Allah Almighty said:
That is to say, to speak to them with good manners, to speak well, to be gentle in speech and tone, and to take care of respect in words. Regarding the saying of Kareem, Hazrat Saeed bin Musaib (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It is a saying of Kareem to speak in the same way as a slave who is in danger and buys money.
That is, bowing before them with compassion and humility. Someone asked Hazrat Urwah (may Allah have mercy on him) that Allah has commanded him to bow before his parents in the Qur’an, what does that mean? So he said that if he says something disrespectful to you, do not look at him with a slanted eye because the disrespect of a man is first recognized by his eyes. And tell them to behave in such a way in front of them that it does not make any difference in fulfilling their heart’s desire because of you and do not be stingy in offering whatever their parents like in their service.
Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Shafi’i (may Allah have mercy on him) has written in Ma’arif-ul-Qur’an that the rule of service and obedience of parents is not restricted to any age and age. However, it is obligatory to treat parents kindly In their pleasure is the pleasure of Allah and in their displeasure is Allah’s displeasure.
The pleasure and displeasure of Allah Almighty:
Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
That is, the pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of the parents and the wrath of Allah is in the wrath of the parents.
The gates of heaven or hell:
Hazrat Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) says that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
That is, whoever wakes up in the morning while he is obeying Allah’s command to pay his parents’ dues, then the two gates of Paradise are open for him and if one of the parents is alive and with him If he does good deeds, one of the gates of heaven will remain open for him. Two doors remain open and if one of the parents is alive and abuses him then one door of hell remains open. Someone asked: O Prophet of Allah! Even though his parents wronged him? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said three times: Even though his parents wronged him.
Hazrat Rifaa bin Ayas (may Allah have mercy on him) says that when the mother of Ayas bin Muawiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) passed away, he started crying. Someone asked why are you crying? So he said:
That is, two gates of heaven were open for me, now one (on the death of my mother) is closed; That’s why I’m crying. How fortunate are the people whose parents are alive and they treat them kindly and the two gates of heaven are open for them. ََ
6.Dua for parents.
Where Allah Almighty has commanded good behavior towards parents, He has also instructed them to pray for them. Thus the divine instruction is:
رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِیْ صَغِيْراً
Meaning: O my Lord! So have mercy on my parents as they brought me up (with mercy and compassion) in my childhood. Make it a habit to pray for parents after every prayer I have given, one is the first and the other is:
رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَیَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ
That is, O my Lord! Forgive me, my parents, and all the believers on the day of reckoning.
Hazrat Sufyan bin Aina (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Whoever prays, thanks be to God, and who prays for the fathers in the court of the poor.
That is, whoever arranges the five daily prayers, whether he gives thanks to Allah and whoever prays for his parents after the five daily prayers, it is as if he gives thanks to his parents. It is narrated from Hazrat Amr bin Mamoon that when Hazrat Musa (as) went to meet Allah, he saw a man under the shadow of the Throne and his condition was so good that he himself Moses (peace be upon him) became jealous of this man, so Moses (peace be upon him) asked Allah Almighty about this man: O Allah! Who is your servant Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
This man was doing three things.
1. I did not envy the things which I have bestowed upon the people by my grace and grace.
2. He did not disobey his parents.
3. He did not gossip.
Increase in provision:
Good treatment of parents is one of the reasons for increase in sustenance and age. Hazrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) says that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: He should deal kindly with his parents and make peace with his relatives. In a hadith, the Holy Prophet (sws) said:
Be kind to your parents. Your children will be kind to you.
7.Dua for parents who passed away
if both parents have one or both of them alive then they should consider them as a great blessing of Allah and obey them, treat them kindly, serve them as much as possible and pay their dues. He should try his best to do so and those whose parents or both of them have passed away should be treated kindly. Divide the inheritance according to the shares, get religious education and practice it yourself, pray for them, ask Allah for mercy and forgiveness for them, give charity on their behalf, perform supererogatory Hajj on their behalf. Perform Umrah, dig a well or provide drinking water to the people, buy and dedicate religious books, build a mosque, build a madrassa or assist in meeting the needs of the guests who have received religious knowledge, close relatives of the parents. He should treat his relatives kindly, perform supererogatory deeds and reward them, keeping in view the plight of the oppressed Muslims in his area, country and all over the world. May Allah bless all the believers with the ability to be kind to their parents, Amen.
8. A beautiful dua for parents to pay rights of parents.
The hadith has been narrated that whoever recites this dua once and then prays that either Allah will give his reward to my parents, then he has paid the right of the parents. The prayer is:
الحمد للہِ رَبِ العٰلمین رب السموت ورب الا رض رب العلمین ولہ الکبر یا ء فی السمو ت والارض وھو العزیز الحکیم للہ الحمد رب السموت و رب الا رض رب العلمین ولہ العظمتہ فی السمو ت والارض وھو العزیز الحکیم ھو الملک رب السموت ورب الارض رب العلمین ولہ النور فی السموت والارض وھو العزیز الحکیم ۔
Then he said in the hadith that after reciting this du’a, he should pray that Allah may give his reward to my parents. When he did so, he paid the rights of his parents and said that three times Surah Ikhlas, three times Surah Al-Fath and three times Durood Sharif will be considered as obedience to parents. According to the hadith, if a person gives charity for the benefit of others, then what is the harm in giving his reward to his parents? The condition is that his parents are Muslims. Inshallah, in that case the reward of this benefit will reach them. And there will be no reduction in the reward of the one who gives charity. It is a very simple process. What have you done? This dua which I have mentioned to you is to be recited and after this dua you have to add Surah Al-Ikhlas three times, Surah Al-Fatih three times and Durood-e-Sharif three times. ۔