Causes of Sciatica pain, symptoms, treatment and exercises for Sciatica pain.


     Scitica is a pain that is in a nerve but keeps the whole body shaking.

      The nerve is called the sciatic nerve. And it is the widest and longest nerve in our body and its job is to command the muscles in the lower part of the knees and legs, the shin and the ankles to move while it also supplies the sensations or sensations in the legs and feet. Û” If this nerve has some kind of problem, it will not be able to do its job, as a result of which the symptoms of scitica will appear.

 It is said that 40 out of every 100 people in the world suffer from sciatica pain.


     Here the question arises in the minds of person suffered from sciatica pain.

       1.How do i get my scatic nerve to stop hurting?

 The most common causes of scitica pain are our spinal cord problems, such as weakening and aging of the disc between our spinal cord seals with age, called disc degeneration, or disc herniation called disc herniation. Tightening or thinning of the spinal cord is also a major cause. 

 Then with age comes the risk of obesity and diabetes. The disease can affect both men and women, but women are at higher risk. Most people get the disease between the ages of 30 and 50. Cold weather can also increase the pain.

     2. What is main cause of Sciatica?

 Severe back trauma, spinal cord seizures, more or less space between seals, hip muscle inflammation, constipation, excessive load lifting, nervous tension, lying on the same cortex, Due to the accident, all the factors that put a strain on the sciatic nerve and cause stress can cause pain.

 Women who wear high heels, people who sleep on soft mattresses, and obese people are more likely to get this disease because of the constant strain on their sciatic nerve. Often the bill also falls and there is severe pain from pressing the knee.


     3. Which people are most at risk of Sciatica?

 Scitica pain is more common in women than men because they are more sensitive, and seem to be more affected by mental fatigue, grief and anger. Deficiency of certain vitamins can also increase the risk of high levels of vitamin B12 and magnesium.

    Even in men, people with dry temper and irritability often suffer from this pain. Men should pay attention to anemia, vitamin D and vitamin C deficiency if they have this pain. There were some people who used sleeping pills a lot, but did not use soft foods like milk, ice cream etc. throughout the day, they also complained of constipation and this pain.

     4. What are the symptoms of Sciatica?

 The biggest symptom is pain, a pain that arises from the back and extends from the right or left hip and thigh to the leg and ankle.Patient is stuck with four legs and is unable to move and walk. The slightest movement of the body causes pain of anger which sometimes becomes unbearable. There is also tingling and numbness in the skin of the affected leg. If not treated in time, the pain lasts for four to eight weeks and can have serious consequences.

 So as time goes on this pain keeps on going downwards till the pain reaches toes. Some people can’t differentiate it from back pain. But keep in mind that back pain is most often in the middle of the lower back, while the sciatica pain passes through the hip, in addition to the lower back, and is unable to move one leg, leaving the skin feeling as if The ant is moving, the legs and skin become numb and numb. So remember that the most common symptom that distinguishes sciatica pain from other types of pain is the discomfort in the lower back that extends from the hips down to the thighs and shin, accompanied by burning sensation. Is that which makes life difficult.

 Now the question is how the doctor diagnoses this disease. It does not require a special test, X-ray or ultrasound, and doctors usually prescribe treatment based on your case history and symptoms.

    5.Sciatica pain treatment.

 The good news is that after two to four weeks the pain goes away on its own but obviously the patient can’t stand the pain for so long so he has to take the medicine and painkillers prescribed by the doctor. Ointment or jelly such as ketoprofen, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium jelly massage is also often useful.

    Treatment of mild to moderate sciatica pain.

      Anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac sodium, diclofenac potassium, naproxen sodium, piroxicame etc. can be taken with water for food.

   In addition doctors also prescribe mecobalamine and gabapentin tablets to control severe weakness of nervous system.


   In severe sciatica pain some time doctors use central acting analgesic like tramadol etc to control the severe sciatica pain.

 Massage or physiotherapy can also be helpful. For example, for the first two days after the onset of pain, apply ice to the affected area and after two days, apply warmth to the affected area. Continuous and complete bed rest enhances the sciatica so you should keep walking as much as possible.

     6. How to Avoid Sciatica pain?

 Use food on time. Try to reduce gas and constipation. Use vegetables with suitable spices like black pepper, ginger, garlic, turmeric. Be sure to include soup, goat meat or large pies in the diet. Be sure to drink ginger tea once a week so that the blood does not thicken. 

   Take care of vitamins D, C, A, K and B complex. 

 Exercise daily. If you are overweight then you need to lose weight. Take care of the seating position, do not bend down and sit for long. Control your blood sugar. Avoid overweight. If you have a lot of mental fatigue, have fun, don’t make it a habit to sit for long. Don’t let the sleeping bones get cold. Don’t eat cold food before going to bed.

     7. Sciatica pain treatment at home.

  * patient should try to avoid the cold as much as possible. Avoid living in humid, narrow and dark places.

     *The patient should keep changing his position while sitting and sleeping.

     * The patient should be careful not to stay in the water.

      * The patient should avoid constipation as it can cause tension in the sciatic nerve.

     * The patient should take a bath after 11 o’clock in the morning and before 3 o’clock in the afternoon and after that should avoid wind.

     * The patient should not lift weights or do too much hard work.  

    * The patient should sleep on the floor or in a hard place with a light mattress.

     * Protect yourself from too much stress and anxiety.


    8. Precautions for sciatica pain.

 Avoid all types of meat, protein rich foods, pulses, rice, eggplant, fast foods, cola drinks, bakery products, excessive tea, smoking and sour foods. Avoid taking cold baths or ablutions. Be done As long as the symptoms of the disease remain, drink lukewarm water and perform ghusl and ablution with lukewarm water. Foods that strengthen and warm the body should be used frequently. Apples, figs, raisins, amlok, and cashews in moderation are extremely useful.

 Most of the time, this problem is caused by constipation. To get rid of constipation, soak three to five figs in rose liqueur at night, eat figs in the morning and drink rose liqueur. This home remedy will get rid of constipation in a few days. As soon as the constipation goes away, the shatika pan will also start to decrease. It is useful to boil half a teaspoon of fennel twice a day to avoid the pain of reptile caused by excess of uric acid.

 Include maximum intake of fibrous foods in your diet. Seasonal fruits and raw vegetables are the best source of fiber. Breakfast is also a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. In this disease, although there is a lot of difficulty in walking, but sitting still shows an increase in this disease. So keep up the good work. Make walking a regular routine for 20 to 30 minutes daily. Most illnesses can be cured easily but Sciatica Pan is the only disease which we can overcome quickly by walking.


    9. Sciatica pain relief exercises.

  This disease can cause severe pain if it is not treated in time. There are some exercises that can relieve the patient suffering from sciatica pain. While exercising, we should make sure that the place is smooth and airy. Mats can be used for exercise.

      1. Exercise stretches from the knees to the chest.

 Lift your knees up and join your chest until you feel tension in your back and hips. Keep your body in the same position for five to ten minutes and repeat this exercise on the other leg in an open and airy place for exercise. Choose to wear tight clothing for exercise so that it is not difficult to exercise.

     2. Exercise stretching from the legs to the waist.

    Lie down straight and keep your back straight. Pull one leg towards the other leg and maintain this position for thirty seconds then repeat this process on the other leg and do this exercise three times.

     3. Stretch from the waist to the thighs.

 Lie on the floor then stretch your leg at a 90 degree angle and keep your hips straight. Stay in this position for one minute then repeat the same process on the other side.

     4. Lie on the floor and keep your elbows inward and keep your hands under your shoulders. Keep your arms straight so that you can lift your upper body off the floor while keeping your hips and thighs on the floor and in this position for 30 seconds. Stay and repeat this for five times.

     5. Abdominal exercise.

 Lie on your back and bend your knees and keep your legs straight on the floor and lift your hips up from the floor. In this position you will feel stretched.

  6. Exercise on your knees.

 If you find it difficult to lie on your stomach, you can place the pillow under your chest. When you are in a position to lie on your stomach, remove the pillow. Keep your hips straight on the floor and in this position for ten seconds. Stay and repeat this exercise five times.

     Repeat these exercises on daily basis very soon you will feel relief from the severity of sciatica pain.

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