Why you should never donate blood and What are the health benefits of donating blood?


  1. Why you should never donate blood?

 An essential component of the human body is the blood which circulates in the organs of the body through the heart and arteries. Any human being may need blood, plasma, white blood cells in case of serious illness, surgery and accident. Blood donation is very important and necessary to save precious human lives.

 Donating blood to any needy patient is considered as an ongoing charity, while with the help of another human being the heart gets peace and comfort from the divine power and the human being gets rid of all kinds of calamities and deprivations. In Surah Al-Ma’ida of the Holy Qur’an, Allah Almighty has equated saving the life of one human being with saving the life of the whole humanity. Most people think that donating blood has a negative effect on human health, but this is not true. Every healthy person has about one liter (ie two to three bottles) of extra blood in their body. Health experts say that every healthy person should donate blood at least twice a year. It does not have any adverse effects on health but blood donors are healthier. The human body makes up for the loss of blood in three days, while blood cells regenerate completely in 56 days. These new blood cells are healthier and stronger than the old ones, which protect against many diseases.


 It is also important that blood be donated once and for three months or more. According to research by the American Medical Association, people who donate blood from time to time have a 95% lower risk of heart attack and cancer. Due to the high amount of iron in the body and its low excretion, iron affects the human heart, liver and pancreas. Research has shown that donating blood is a very useful way to balance the amount of iron in the body. This process helps to prevent blood clots in the veins and helps in better blood flow in the body. Regular blood donors do not suffer from obesity because blood transfusions help reduce body fat and help control weight. The formation of new blood after donating blood creates a glow on the face and it eliminates the effects of aging on the face.

 The number of people donating blood is very high in other countries of the world but unfortunately in our country only 1 to 2% of people donate blood regularly while other people in accidents or other serious cases. Donate blood However, anyone between the ages of 17 and 50 and weighing more than 50 kg can donate blood.

 In addition, 7 types of testing are performed on modern donated blood machines, including tests for hepatitis B and C, AIDS, malaria and syphilis. And its complete report with hemoglobin and blood group is provided so that the donor becomes aware of any hidden disease before it becomes incurable. Under normal circumstances, if these tests are done by a standard laboratory, they are paid thousands of rupees, while when donating blood, these tests are done free of cost.

 At a time when treatment facilities and standards in government hospitals are extremely low and costs are rising. The idea of ​​a hospital in which not a single penny is taken from the patient and his family after admission, if it is impossible, then the Indus Hospital builders and operators have made it possible. Under the Public Private Partnership, dedicated to the spirit of service to the people, this non-profit organization’s performance is excellent, for which this organization deserves tribute.

 Such a bright and inspiring example of service to the people is rarely seen in the beloved homeland.

 Under the public-private partnership formula, the government focuses on oversight and guidance rather than service delivery, which is why political interference in the arrangements for best results is not tolerated here. Regulation of the private sector has been a major issue in poor and developing countries. But countries that have strictly adhered to private sector regulation are increasingly moving from developing to developing.

 Through the practice of public-private partnership, countries such as India, South Africa and Senegal have stabilized the public health situation in their countries, while Muslim societies have created many institutions that serve humanity beyond any political affiliation or financial interests. Have One of them, Indus Healthcare, along with the Government of Pakistan, the administration and the philanthropists, is rendering exemplary services in all fields, the reward of which is only prayers.

 It should be noted here that due to lack of standard screening in normal blood banks, children are suffering from hepatitis. Screening before blood transfusion is essential to prevent blood-borne diseases and to provide quality and clean blood to those in need. According to health experts, the number of haemophilia patients is increasing in our society. Haemophilia A and B are more prevalent in patients. If a blood donor carries a virus such as hemophilia A and B, it can infect the patient. Doctors at the Regional Blood Center ensure complete screening of all viruses on state-of-the-art machines, after which no virus transmission is suspected. The organizers of this organization organize blood camps in universities, colleges and other educational institutions and business centers to collect standard blood donations and educate the people about the importance of blood donation while the donor suffers from any disease. He is also given a report of the disease and complete information about the treatment of this disease by the doctors.

 According to health experts, the life of blood in our body is only 120 days. So why don’t we save that blood from being wasted, awaken the spirit of service to the people in us, donate blood and save someone’s life.

    2. What are the health benefits of donating blood?

    1.Improve blood circulation.

 According to a study, donating blood helps to improve blood circulation, which prevents blood from clotting in the arteries, reducing the risk of various diseases such as heart attack, stroke and cancer by up to 80%. Gives.

    2.Free medical checkupÛ”

 Before donating blood, each person must undergo a medical check-up to check their body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and hemoglobin level, as well as various blood tests after the blood has been collected. They go to see if they are infected with a dangerous disease, which is also known to the people.

    3. Iron levels remain balancedÛ”

 Healthy adults need five grams of iron in their body, most of which is in the red blood cells. When blood is donated, the body is deficient in iron, which is reabsorbed from food after donation. According to medical experts, such a change in iron levels is good for health because too much of this component is harmful to the blood vessels.

   4. Enjoy long lifeÛ”

 According to a study, people who donate blood voluntarily have a lower risk of dying from various diseases and an increase in life expectancy by up to four years.

    3. Blood donation disadvantages and answer of some questions.

 Question 1. What is the biggest disadvantage of donating blood?

 Answer: There is no harm in donating blood

 The great advantage is that regular blood donors

 The chances of a person having a heart attack or cancer

 95% less than the rest of the people

 Research by the American Medical Association

 Question 2. In how many days blood is made after donating blood to someone?

 Answer: The reduction is completed in three days of blood donation while in 56 days

 Fresh blood starts to run in the veins by becoming complete blood cells …

 Question 3. Is old blood stronger or newer?

 Answer: The new blood is more than the old blood

 It is more fresh and powerful.

 Question 4 What are the benefits of donating blood?

 Answer: The biggest benefit of donating blood

 Participate in a charity event that

 Generation after generation till the Day of Judgment is the cause of reward for you.

 The other big benefit is to balance the amount of iron in the blood and the biggest benefit is to live a healthy and fresh life.

 The skin of a regular blood donor stays younger and healthier for longer than others.

 One of the benefits of this is free blood screening.

 Question 5. How many times can blood be given in a year?


 Answer: A healthy person whose age

 Be between 17 and 50 and weigh 50 kg

 At least in a year

 He can easily donate blood twice, while he can donate once three months after donating blood.


 Question 6. What percentage in Pakistan?

 Do people donate blood?

 Answer: Only one to two percent of people in Pakistan donate blood regularly.

 Some people even donate blood in an emergency.

 Question 7. How long is the life of blood?

 Answer: Blood life is 120 days.

 That is, in 120 days, our blood cells would die and pass out through the urinary tract

 Are and are re-created.

 Question 8. Then why are we afraid to donate blood?

 Answer: We are breathing in a society where it is said that

 Giving blood makes a person weak and blood does not form again.

 So our patients

 The tormented sobs die on the beds due to lack of blood.

 Question 9. When was World Blood Donation Day celebrated?


 Answer: On the 14th of June.

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