Kidney stones treatment, causes, symptoms and three unique treatments for kidney stones.


       1.Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Kidney Stones.


 Your kidneys remove waste and fluid from your blood to make urine. Sometimes, when there is a lot of waste in your blood and not enough fluid, this waste accumulates and sticks in your kidneys. These piles of waste are called kidney stones.

  2. What is a kidney stone?


       Normally, your kidneys excrete waste from your blood to make urine. When there is too much waste in your blood and your body is not producing enough urine, crystals begin to form in your kidneys. These crystals attract other wastes and chemicals to form a solid (kidney stone) that will grow until it is excreted from your body in your urine.

 Kidney stones can be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball.

    3. How common are kidney stones?

 Every year, more than half a million people go to the emergency room for kidney stones. Researchers have concluded that one in ten people have kidney stones during their lifetime. Kidney stones are much less common in children than in adults, but for the same reasons. Children with asthma are four times more likely to have them than children without asthma.

     4. What are the causes and risk factors for kidney stones?

 People between the ages of 30 and 40 are more likely to have kidney stones. However, anyone can get kidney stones.

       There are many risk factors and causes of kidney stones. These include.

    1. You don’t drink enough water

    2. You already have kidney stones

    3. Foods that contain stone-forming substances (for example, in foods rich in phosphate, meat, fish, beans and other proteins)

    4. Someone in your family has kidney stones

    5. Obstruction of your urethra

    6. Some medical conditions can also increase your risk of getting stones. This is because they can increase or decrease the levels of kidney stones. May be involved in these situations

    7. Hypercalcium urea (too much calcium in your urine)

     8. High blood pressure

     9. Diabetes

     10. Obesity

     11. Osteoporosis

     12. Gout and cystic fibrosis

     13. Kidney cyst

     14. Parathyroid disease

     15. Inflammatory bowel disease and chronic diarrhea

     16. Some surgical procedures, including weight loss surgery or other abdominal or bowel surgery

 You have a condition that causes swelling or irritation in your intestines or your joints

    17. You take certain medications, such as diuretics (water tablets) or calcium-based antacids.

   5. Foods that causes kidney stones.

       Some foods can also put you at risk for kidney stones. These foods include:

     1. Meat and poultry (animal protein)

      2. Sodium (high in salt in food)

      3. Sugars (fructose and sucrose).

    6. What are the symptoms of kidney stones?

      You can have kidney stones for years without knowing that you have kidney stones. But, when it starts to move or gets too big, you may have symptoms. Symptoms of kidney stones include:

1. Nausea or vomiting with pain.

2. Seeing blood in your urine.

3. Feeling pain when urinating.

4. Unable to urinate.

5. Feeling the need to urinate more frequently.

6. Feeling feverish or cold

 Urinating that smells or looks cloudy.

 A small kidney stone cannot cause pain or other symptoms. These “silent stones” are excreted from your body into your urine.

     7. What is the best treatment for kidney?

 Once diagnosed, your healthcare provider will first determine if you also need treatment. When you urinate, some small kidney stones may come out of your system. This can be very painful.

  The treatment for kidney stones depends on the size of the stone, what it is made of, whether it is causing pain and whether it is blocking your urethra. To answer these questions and find the right treatment for you, your doctor may ask you to have a urine test, blood test, X-ray and / or CT scan. CT scans sometimes use contrast dye. If you have ever had a problem with contrast dye, be sure to tell your doctor about it before your CT scan.

 If your test results show that you have a small kidney stone, your doctor may recommend you to take pain medication and drink plenty of fluids to help push the stone out of your urethra. Can say If you have a large kidney stone, or if it is blocking your urethra, additional treatment may be needed.

     + Medicines

 Medications may be prescribed for other reasons

 To reduce pain

 To cure nausea or vomiting

 To relax your urethra so that the stones pass easily.

     8. 4 method for kidney stone removal.

       There are four types of way to treat kidney stones.

   1. Shockwave lithotripsy.

  One treatment option is Shock Wave Lithotri,psy. This treatment uses shock waves to break up kidney stones into smaller pieces. After treatment, small pieces of kidney stones will pass through your urethra and pass out of your body with your urine. This treatment usually takes 45 minutes to an hour and can be done under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep and unable to feel pain.

     2. Urethroscopy.

     Another option for treating kidney stones is urethroscopy. General anesthesia is also used in this treatment. The doctor uses a long tube-shaped tool to find and remove the stone or to break the stone into smaller pieces. If the stone is small, the doctor can remove it. If it is large, it may need to be cut into pieces. In this case, a laser is used to break the stone into pieces that are small enough to pass through your urethra.

 In rare cases, surgery called percutaneous nephrolithotomy is needed to remove the kidney stone. During surgery, a tube will be inserted directly into your kidney to remove the stone. You will have to stay in the hospital for two to three days to recover from this treatment.

     3. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

      When kidney stones cannot be treated with other methods – either because the stones are too large, the stones are too big or heavy or because of their location – it is treated with percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Û” In this procedure, a tube is inserted directly into your kidney by making a small incision in your back. The stones are then broken through an ultrasound probe and sucked so that you do not have to go through a piece. After the procedure, a urethral stunt is placed (an inner tube from the kidney to the bladder that is removed a week later). After this treatment, patients are usually kept for overnight observation.

 4. How to pass kidney stones fast?

 See a doctor as soon as possible. You may be asked to drink extra fluids in an attempt to flush out the stones in the urine. If you can filter your urine and save a piece of stone that has passed, bring it to your doctor.

  Most of the patient of kidney stones wishes that their stones are removed without any surgical procedures so this question mostly they use to ask.

 9. Can kidney stones cure without surgery?


     The answer of this question is yes.Now I tell you other fastest way to dissolve kidney stones.

  10. What are 3 treatments for kidney stones?


  First Treatment.

      The Easy Way to Get Rid of Kidney Stones

 Turkish doctors say that sexual intercourse can be even more effective than some expensive and powerful drugs in dissolving kidney stones and expelling them from the body through urine.

       Although man has developed a variety of medicines for the treatment of all kinds of diseases, some natural methods are more effective than expensive medicines. One such interesting discovery following a study in Turkey is that sexual intercourse can be more effective than some expensive and powerful drugs in dissolving kidney stones and excreting them from the body through urine.

 Physicians at Ankara Training and Research Hospital performed experiments on 90 patients with kidney stones and provided them with three different treatments. These people were divided into three groups. One group was given kidney stones regularly, the other group was asked to have sex only three to four times a week with their spouse, while the third group was used as a control group only. That is, they were not given any treatment.

 When the patients were examined two weeks later, the surprising results were that 26 out of the 31 people who were advised to have sex had the stones dissolved, compared to the 31 people who were on medication. Only 10 stones could be dissolved.

 Researchers also say that those who were prescribed sexually transmitted infections had their urinary tract stones removed within about ten days, while the drug users took longer.

 Researchers believe that nitric oxide, which is produced in the male body during marital function, causes the urethra to open up and fill up more space, allowing kidney stones to pass more easily through the urethra.

   Second Treatment.

 7 Natural Foods To Treat Kidney Stones

 The importance of the kidney in human life cannot be underestimated. It plays a very important role in the balance of water and salts in the human body but its imbalance can lead to many diseases. It is also one of the most common kidney diseases.

 Kidney stones are not easy to treat and are extremely painful for the patient. Kidney stones can be caused by anything in the family including the presence of the disease, obesity, overeating of calcium or steel foods, diabetes and other causes.

 That’s why today we are going to tell you some natural foods for the treatment of kidney stones which can be extremely beneficial for you.

     1. Pomegranate

 Eating pomegranate seeds and drinking its juice easily removes kidney stones and other harmful substances from your body.

     2. Lemon juice and olive oil

 Drinking four tablespoons of olive oil and a quarter of a cup of lemon juice mixed with water daily can cure kidney stones.

      3. Nettle tea (nettle is an herb).

 To treat kidney stones, put two tablespoons of dried nettle leaves in warm water and after heating it for 15 to 20 minutes, drink it twice a day and keep doing this for about a few weeks.

    4. Sweet and juicy fruits

 Sweet juicy fruits like oranges, bananas, grapes and tomatoes help break down the calcium in your kidneys.

     5. Wheat seeds

 Take two cups of water and put it in a saucepan, then add a tablespoon of wheat seeds and keep it warm. When it cools down, shake the mixture and drink it. Be sure to drink this mixture once a day.

      6. Baking soda

 Drink a tablespoon of baking soda mixed with water. By drinking it, the stones in your kidneys will be expelled through the urethra and you will get rid of the pain.

       7. Apple cider vinegar

 In case of kidney stones, mix apple cider vinegar and honey in the ratio of two to one and drink this mixture twice a day with warm water.


   Third Treatment.

       Homy remedies for Kidney Stones.

        Kidney stones have become a common problem nowadays. These stones are usually like calcium pebbles which accumulate in the kidneys due to impaired function of the kidneys. The stone can stay in one part of the kidney for a long time but when it leaves its place it causes a lot of pain. It is excreted from the kidneys to the bladder and is excreted through the urethra. It is a slow and long process during which the patient suffers immensely. It is usually treated as an operation, but according to experts, some natural foods are also the prescription for the solution of this problem.

        One such useful recipe for eliminating kidney stones can be prepared from lemon juice, olive oil and barley water. Lemon has the ability to dissolve stones, which reduces the tension in the urinary tract, and olive oil provides it with the necessary lubrication.


 To prepare this recipe you will need 100 ml of olive oil, 100 ml of water, and lemon juice. Mix these three things very well and use about 50 ml daily in the morning. If used regularly, after about 4 to 5 days, the color of urine will start to feel a little more yellow, which means that the prescription is working. The problem

is usually solved in about 8 days.

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