Dua for Shifa and importance of health in Islam.

Table of Contents

   Dua e shifa.

    Recite 3 times after every namaz

   In this blog I present  beautiful Dua for Shifa and importance of health in Islam so one can protect himself from different diseases by the power of Dua and by adopting golden principles of Islam.


   Dua for sickness.

   When any your relative or friend is sick as a Muslim first we said to Allah for his health and then go towards treatment so I told you some Dua for sickness to treat your sick. 

   Dua for shifa in Arabic.

       اَذْھِبِ الْبَأسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ اشْفِ اَنْتَ الشَّافِی لاَ شِفَاءَ اِلاَّ شِفَاؤُکَ شِفَاءً لاَ یُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا.

     Dua for shifa in English.

   Translation: O Lord of all mankind! Take away the pain, you are the healer, no one can heal except you, give a cure that does not leave any part of the disease.

   Dua for shifa from Quran.

In Quran so many Dua for shifa but I mention some Dua here. Allah said in the Quran all Quran is shifa for that Muslims who have strong EMAN on Quran.

       رَبِّ أني مسّني الضّرّ وأنْت أرحَمُ الرَّاحِمِین ۔

        Dua for shifa in Quran 


    وَیَشْفِ صُدُوْرَ قَوْمٍ مُؤْمِنِیْنَ (سورة التوبہ) 

    وَاِذَا مَرِضْتُ فَہُوَ یَشْفِیْنِ (سورة الشعراء)

     وَشِفَآءٌ لِمَا فِیْ الصُّدُوْرِ وَہُدًی وَرَحْمَةٌ لِلْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ (سورة یونس)

      وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا ہُوَ شِفَاءٌُ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُوٴْمِنِیْنَ․ وَلَا یَزِیْدُ الظَّالِمِیْنَ اِلَّا خَسَارًا (سورة الإساء)

 قُلْ ہُوَ لِلَّذِیْنَ آمَنُوْا ہُدًی وَّشِفَاءٌ، سورہ فصلت (حم السجدہ) 

     یَخْرُجُ مِنْ بُطُوْنِہَا شَرَابٌ مُّخْتَلِفٌ اَلْوَانُہُ فِیْہِ شِفَاءٌ لِّلنَّاسِ، (سورہ النحل)

     1. What Islam says about health?

      Islam is the religion of nature. In addition to being a source of spirituality, it is also an excellent and complete code of conduct for our material well-being and physical health. By following this, not only can we attain the heights of moral, spiritual, political and economic life, but we can also enjoy a wealth of health and energy at the physical level.

     2. Islam and health education.

 It is a fact that in the great collection of Qur’an and Ahadith there are hints for every science and art but to understand them requires in-depth study. The general teachings of Islam are in accordance with the principles of hygiene for the welfare of mankind, which were formulated by the Qur’an and the Prophet of Islam fourteen hundred years ago today. 

 Modern science has now come to know the usefulness of the golden principles which the Crown Prince of the universe, Muhammad (peace be upon him), explained to his ummah in very simple and easy to understand language.

    3. Islam encourage continuous medical research.

 As Muslims, it is our duty to continue our research from a medical point of view and to find a cure for every disease. Every disease is curable.

  In this regard, the crown prince of the universe, Muhammad (peace be upon him), said:

 Allah has not sent down any disease which has not been healed.

 This blessed hadith urges mankind to continue the process of continuous research in the field of medicine for every disease. The notion that certain diseases are incurable is considered by Islam to be baseless and erroneous, and to adopt this notion is tantamount to denying the notion of research. It is a sign of ignorance to call a disease incurable if one cannot find a cure for it through one’s own research.

    4. Islam and public health.

 Islam emphasizes hygiene and precautionary medical measures rather than treatment. All the teachings of Islam begin with purity and the first step and the first principle of the principles of hygiene is also purity. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about purification:

   5. In Islam Cleanliness is an essential part of faith.

 The chapter on purification in Islamic teachings begins with the purification of the places from which waste is discharged. This is the first principle of purification and as a Muslim everyone understands that without it no concept of purification is complete.

 It is narrated from Hazrat Anas bin Malik that when the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sws) used to go for defecation, I and a boy would come to the court with a vessel of water so that the Holy Prophet (sws) could get rid of it.

 Today in the western world it has become customary to abandon this natural method of purification with water and use paper etc. and this method is also growing in our country even though it has caused many defects and various diseases. Happiness is, in fact, in the principles stated by Islam itself. According to modern medicine, people who use only paper instead of water for purification after defecation may suffer from the following diseases.

 a. Pilonidal Sinus: This is a hairy abscess that gets close to the stool site and cannot be treated without surgery.

  b. Pyelonephritis: The formation of pus in the urinary tract and in the kidneys, especially in women. Which is sometimes detected when it takes on a very complex form and the only treatment left is surgery.

      6. Hygiene by ablution.

 Prayer is obligatory on every sane adult Muslim. When a Muslim prays to Allah five times a day, he performs ablution before it, which gives him bodily purity. It is obligatory to perform ablution before prayers.

 Almighty Allah says:

 So (for ablution) wash your faces and your hands with your elbows and wipe your heads and your feet (also) with your ankles.

 Ablution is one of the golden principles of hygiene. It’s a great shield against germs in everyday life. Many diseases are caused by germs alone. These germs surround us. They infiltrate the air, the earth and everything we use. The human body is like a castle. Allah Almighty has made the structure of our skin in such a way that the germs cannot enter our body through it. However, the wounds on the skin and the holes in the mouth and nose are always exposed to the germs. Allah, the Exalted, commanded to wash not only those holes but also every part of his body which is not normally covered with clothes and can easily become a breeding ground for germs through ablution five times a day. The nose and mouth are the organs in the human body through which germs can easily enter the human body with the breath and food, so he ordered gargling to clear the throat and wet the nose to the bone inside. ۔ Sometimes germs get into the nose and get stuck inside the hair and if we don’t wash it five times a day, we can’t even breathe clean air. After that, it is recommended to wash the face three times so that cold water constantly falls on the eyes and the eyes are protected from all diseases. There are also many medical benefits to washing your hands and feet. Ablution automatically cures our many ailments which we do not even realize are born. The concepts that modern medicine clarifies in the matter of purification have been incorporated into the concept of purification by Islam.

     7. Health is wealth in Islam.

 The germs of the disease can easily enter our body when we eat food. In addition to food, our hands also play an important role. Regarding the hygiene of hands, the Crown Prince of Mercy (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

 Washing hands before and after eating is a blessing.

 Even if you wash your hands before eating and dry them with a cloth, etc., the germs can be transmitted to the hands again through that cloth. It is possible that there are already some germs on that towel and that by drying our hands they will stick to our clean hands and enter our body during eating. The Islamic teachings are very clear about this too.

 Do not dry your hands before eating with a cloth so that hand hygiene can be maintained during the meal.

 The blessed hadith of the Crown Prince of the Universe, peace be upon him, is narrated from Abdullah bin Abbas, in which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sws) said:

 When one of you eats, do not wipe your hands before licking.

 This was also the custom of the Crown Prince of the universe, Muhammad (peace be upon him).

 The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to eat with three fingers and (after eating) he would not clean his hands without licking the fingers.

 Hands should be washed after eating so that food particles do not cause any discomfort. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) strictly forbade sleeping without washing one’s hands after eating.

 The Prophet’s guidance is:

 If a person has grease on his hand and he falls asleep without washing it in the same condition which caused him some harm, then he should call himself bad (ie he should consider it his own fault that he did not sleep after washing his hands).

 In the same way, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sws) has said that after waking up from sleep, one should not put one’s hands in the dishes until they have been washed.

 When one of you is awake, do not put your hands in the dish without washing your hands three times, because he does not know where his hands have spent the night.

    8. Prohibition of breathing in vessels.

 From a hygienic point of view, food and beverages should be kept with utmost care and if they are in open containers, they should be covered so that they do not contain germs which are harmful to human health. Similarly, breathing in a vessel can cause germs to enter it. The patient may have a respiratory illness and the germs may later enter the body of the drinker.

 The crown prince of the universe, Muhammad (peace be upon him), said:

 Abdullah ibn Abi Qatadah narrates from his father that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sws) said: “When one of you drinks water, do not breathe in the vessel.”

 Another hadith forbids breathing in a vessel:

 It is narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade breathing in a vessel and blowing into it.

 It was the custom of the Crown Prince of the universe, Muhammad (peace be upon him), that he would never breathe in food and drink nor would he blow on them to cool them down so that the ummah would also be taught this.

 Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

 The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to breathe in food and drink and did not breathe in utensils.

 According to modern medicine, food and drink should not be inhaled as it can spread the germs of the disease in food and drink which can later make another eater sick. The Prophet (peace be upon him) had said these things long ago.

    9. Protection from infectious diseases.

 Islam pays special attention to the prevention of diseases that are contagious and whose germs are rapidly transmitted from one person to another. Plague is a highly contagious disease. Today, although it has been conquered, it used to be a desolate city of cities. No house was left without a line of mourners. To prevent plague, the Crown Prince of Wisdom Muhammad (peace be upon him) has stated some special rules which are not for common diseases.

 The crown prince of the universe, Muhammad (peace be upon him), said:

 When you find out that there is a plague in an area, do not go there and if you are already there, do not leave that area and run away.

 It is as if you not only prevented the people from outside the city from going there to save them from the plague, but also protected the people of that city from the plague by preventing them from leaving. Run everywhere and the disease will spread to all the surrounding cities.

    10.Teeth and mouth cleaning.

 The Blessed Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

     * Keep your face clean.

 From a medical point of view, dental hygiene not only protects the teeth from many ailments but is also a great remedy for stomach ailments. The crown prince of the universe, peace be upon him, placed great emphasis on cleaning teeth.

 In another place he said:

 If I did not consider my ummah a cause of trouble, I would order them to clean their teeth in every prayer.

 The Holy Prophet (sws) used to say miswak with perseverance. He used to say Miswak from top to bottom and from bottom to top. That’s the decent thing to do, and it should end there.

 The point to note is that in which medical college did the Holy Prophet (sws) study? The source and source of education of the Holy Essence of the Crown Prince of Wisdom was the Essence of God. The principles of life of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which are coming to the fore today with their various benefits, you stated fourteen centuries ago today without any college / university education. In such a situation, why don’t we bow our eyes to that great truth, why don’t we acknowledge that every decree of the government is true and correct. It is also a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to brush one’s teeth after eating in order to clean one’s teeth.

 The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

 Anyone who eats food should break it.

 All dentists consider standard toothpicks to be necessary because it removes small particles of food trapped between the teeth, which protects the person from many diseases of the mouth and stomach. The Holy Prophet (sws) protected the Ummah from many possible diseases by teaching them to interrupt.

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