Three powerful wazifa for jobs.


  1. Job wazifa.


   Unemployment is a common problem, educated people are forced to go to work for lack of jobs. Here we are going to share a very experienced wazifa to such unemployed youths, by doing which, Allah willing, Allah Almighty will grant them a job and employment of their choice.

       For Halal means of livelihood, the following job wazifa should be read at least 300 times with Durood Sharif eleven times and at the end of the day. It is better if you remember the meaning while reading the wazifa.

 It is possible that you will get a government job. If not, some better means of livelihood will surely be provided, God willing, and that job wazifa is:


 اللّٰھُمَّ اکْفِنِيْ بِحَلَالِکَ عَنْ حَرَامِکَ وَأَغْنِنِيْ بِفَضْلِکَ عَمَّنْ سِوَاکَ۔

 Translation: O Allah! Protect me from the forbidden by providing me with Halal (sustenance) and make me free from all other than You.



     2. Wazifa for jobs.

    Today I am going to tell you a wazifa for jobs that will not only get you a new job, but by the command of Allah, if there is a problem in your job and you have been unemployed for a long time, then your job will be restored.

    This wazifa for jobs is as:

   Recite Durood Ibrahimi eleven times in start and end for forty days and Surah Yasin eleven times in between.

  After that, dua should be made before Allah Ta’ala. God willing, the job will be restored or a new, better series will be created. My brother did this in the masjid and got a government job within a week.

 I also started the same wazifa for jobs on my brother’s request. It was only twenty-seven or twenty-eight days ago that a friend made a program to reach the officials of the relevant institution. It was time that I got a call from my headquarters that I had been reinstated to my job. This call reached my ears as I was lying on the bed, immediately got up and immediately went into prostration and started thanking Allah. I was surprised that for the last one year I was sifting dust from door to door. After a few days, I humbly bowed before Allah Kareem. Sitting at home, I was reinstated to my intended job.

 I was rejoicing like a child as if I had got something very precious back to me. I am so happy that I know this, my family and Allah knows.

   Please if you need job follow this wazifa for jobs Allah Taala definitely help you.



   3. Wazifa for jobs.

 First, understand why we read wazifa to get a job, it is clear, it is a request before Allah, in which we say, O Allah, I am reciting your so-and-so name so many times, kindly solve my problem. If you understand my words, surely jobs wazifa I have told you will benefit to you.


         1. First powerful wazifa for job.

 This is the first wazifa for getting a job

           یا مُسَبِّبَ الاَسبَاب

 It means, O the one who creates the means, through this you will repeatedly request before Allah, O the one who creates the means! Create the means for my sustenance as well.

       2. Second wazifa for job success.

             یا علیمٌ بذَاتِ الصُدُور


 This means, O who knows the words of the hearts, through this you will repeat in the presence of Allah that O my Rab! You know my heart, I am a seeker of halal sustenance, arrange it for me, surely no one can do it except you.


       3. Third wazifa for getting a job.

        یا رَزَّاقُ

 It means, O provider of sustenance, through this you will submit to Allah like this, O my Lord! So Allah is the one who distributes sustenance in the whole universe, open the doors of sustenance for me too.


 You should read all these wazifa every time you get up, sit down, walk and sleep and keep thinking about its meaning. Surely Allah will create means for you.

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