Ramzan Mubarak images,what is meaning of Ramadan and how we spend Ramadan?

 In this post I present following things:

     1.Ramzan Mubarak images download load free.

     2.Importance of Ramadan.

     3.What is meaning of Ramadan?

     4.Ramadan is a special month of mercy.

      5.What is purpose of fasting.
      6.Gifts of Ramadan Taraweeh and Shab-e-Qadar.

      7.Things that help in attaining Taqwa.

     2.Importance of Ramadan.

      The month of Ramadan is a great blessing of Allah Almighty. In this month there is a flood of noor and blessings from Allah Almighty and His blessings shower down like  rain, but we are not aware of the value and status of this blessed month. Because all our thoughts and struggles are for materialism and worldly business, this blessed month is appreciated by those whose thoughts are for the Hereafter and who think what will happen  after death. You may have heard this hadith. It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that when the month of Rajab came, the Holy Prophet (sws) used to ask for this dua:

       Translation: “O Allah, bless us in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban and bring us to the month of Ramadan.” That is, prolong our life so that we may have the month of Ramadan.

 You should note that two months before the arrival of Ramadan, there is a longing and longing for Ramadan, and prayers are being offered for its attainment. This can only be done by a person who has the true value of Ramadan in his heart.

    3.What is meaning of Ramadan?

 “Ramadan” is an Arabic word meaning “scorching”. The month was named because when it first appeared in Islam, it was in the scorching heat. But some scholars say that in this month Allah, by His special mercy burns and forgives the sins of the fasting servants, so this month is called “Ramadan”.

     4.Ramadan is a special month of mercy.

 Allah Almighty has given this blessed month because for eleven months man is stuck in the fog of the world due to which negligence is created in the hearts, spirituality and closeness to Allah Almighty is diminished. He can remove this deficiency by removing the neglect and rust of the hearts by worshiping Allah, so that by getting closer to Allah Almighty, a new beginning of life can begin, just like after using a machine for some time, its service and cleaning can be done. In the same way, Allah Almighty has fixed this blessed month for the cleansing and service of man.

     5.What is purpose of fasting.

 The special purpose and subject of fasting is to make the animalism and cruelty of man a scapegoat for obedience to the commands of God Almighty and obedience to the rules of faith and spirituality, and to satisfy the desires and stomachs of the soul against the commandments of God. One should get in the habit of suppressing the demands of lusts and since this is one of the special purposes of Prophethood and Shari’ah, fasting has been prescribed in all the first Shari’ahs, although the duration of fasting and some other detailed rules are specific to these nations. There was also some difference in terms of circumstances and needs. The Holy Qur’an commands this ummah to fast and says:

          Translation: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you (that this command of fasting is given to you) that you may attain piety.”

 Because it is certain that the nafs afflicts man with sin, disobedience and animal demands only when he is hungry and thirsty. On the contrary, if he is hungry, he lies down and then does not feel sinful, fasting. The purpose of this is to keep the nafs hungry and to prevent it from exercising its material and lustful needs so that the urge to take action on sin becomes sluggish and this is “taqwa”.

 In the same way, it can be said that the pure creatures of the world (angels) do not eat, drink or have wives, while fasting (from dawn to sunset) is to abstain from these three things (eating, drinking and intercourse). It is as if Allah Almighty has commanded His servants to fast and said: O My slaves! If you avoid these three things and imitate our pure creatures, then the pure attribute of our pure creatures will also be created in you and that attribute is:

        Translation: “They (angels) do not disobey God in anything that commands them, and they do what they are commanded to do.”

  And the result of that is “piety”.

 Almost the same thing is said in this hadith which is narrated in Ibn Majah from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

         “One or the other is the means of cleansing for everything and the means of cleansing the body is” fasting. “

    6.Gifts of Ramadan Taraweeh and Shab-e-Qadar.

 In any case, the purpose of fasting is piety(Taqwa). In order to attain this piety, one month of fasting was imposed on this last ummah in a year and the time of fasting was kept from sunrise to sunset and this time was the time of ordinary human beings at that time. In terms of exercise and training is a very suitable and very moderate period and time. Then the month was appointed for him in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed and in which there is a night of innumerable blessings and blessings (Shab-e-Qadr). Obviously, this blessed month could have been the most suitable and suitable time for him. At the same time, in addition to the fasts of the day, a general and collective system of worship has been established at night in this month, called Taraweeh, which further enhances the lightness and effectiveness of this blessed month. And in the hadiths of these two acts of worship, many virtues have been mentioned, so it is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

          Translation: “Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan with faith and hopeful reward, his past sins will be forgiven, and whoever stands in the month of Ramadan and recites Nawafil (Taraweeh and Tahajjud, etc.), his past sins will be forgiven with faith and hopeful reward. Will be done. “

    7.Things that help in attaining Taqwa.

 But it is not just a matter of fasting and reciting Taraweeh, but the main purpose of this month is to remove the veil of negligence from the heart, to return to the real purpose of creation, to forgive the sins committed in the last eleven months. In the next eleven months, the supplication and passion of not committing sins should be created in the heart with a sense of accountability for the greatness of God Almighty and accountability in the Hereafter, which is called “Taqwa”. In this way the true spirit of Ramadan and its light and blessings will be obtained, otherwise it will be that Ramadan will come and go and we will not benefit from it properly, but remain empty as we were before. We will go, so a few things are pointed out by following which we will get the purpose of fasting (taqwa) and the light and blessings of Ramadan, God willing.

     A. Increase the amount of worship.

 In order to receive the blessings of Ramadan, you have to increase the amount of your worship. Try to recite the Nawafil on other days that you are not able to recite in this blessed month, for example: after Maghrib, separately or less from the Sunnah. Recite six rak’ats of Awabeen with at least Sunnah. (While our situation is that Owabin becomes a vow of Iftar).

        Come a few minutes before Isha prayers and recite four rak’ats of memorized Nafl. If you have to get up for Sehri, get up a few minutes earlier and recite at least four rak’ats of Tahajjud. Similarly, the prayers of Ishraq and if sleep predominates during Ishraq, then recite a few rak’ats of Chasht. After Zuhr, recite two rak’ats of Nafl with two Sunnahs and four rak’ats of Nafl before Asr. Because the characteristic of prayer is that it establishes man’s relationship with God Almighty and establishes a relationship with him, as a result of which man attains nearness to God Almighty at all times.

       As in the hadith narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him):

            “That is, the servant is in the state of prostration closest to his Lord.”

  So it is as if Allah Almighty has given us a great gift in the form of prayers. May Allah bless you, Amen!

     B. Abundance of recitation of Holy Quran.

 The second task is to make special arrangements for the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, because the month of Ramadan has a special relevance and connection with the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an was revealed in the same month. The Holy Prophet (sws) himself used to recite the Holy Quran with Gabriel (sws) in Ramadan.


          In the lives of all the religious leaders, the use of the Holy Qur’an is very common, but with the arrival of the month of Ramadan, the recitation routine would increase dramatically, so Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy on him) used to recite the Holy Quran once a day, one night in this blessed month. In another Taraweeh, I used to recite the Holy Qur’an in this way. All our greats of the past (Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Mohajir Maki (may Allah have mercy on him), Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotavi (may Allah have mercy on him), Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (may Allah have mercy on him), Maulana Shah Abdul Rahim Raipuri (may Allah have mercy on him), Shaykh-ul-Hind Maulana Mahmood Hassan Deobandi (may Allah have mercy on him) Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri (may Allah have mercy on him), Hakim-ul-Amat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (may Allah have mercy on him), Shaykh-ul-Islam Maulana Syed Hussain Ahmad Madani (may Allah have mercy on him), Maulana Yahya Kandhalvi (may Allah have mercy on him), Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalvi (may Allah have mercy on him), Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri (may Allah have mercy on him). Shaykh-ul-Hadeeth Maulana Zakaria Muhajir Madani (may Allah have mercy on him), Faqih-ul-Amat Maulana Mufti Mahmood Hassan Gangohi (may Allah have mercy on him), Maulana Qari Syed Siddiq Ahmad Bandawi (may Allah have mercy on him), Maulana Shah Abrar-ul-Haq Hardoi (may Allah have mercy on him) and Fidaye Millat Maulana Syed Asad Madani (may Allah have mercy on him) The practice of reciting the Holy Qur’an during Ramadan was worth watching. Therefore, we also have to increase the amount of recitation in this blessed month as compared to normal days. The common man should also recite at least three verses daily, so that at least three verses of the Holy Qur’an are recited throughout the month.

     C. Arranging to read and listen to the Holy Qur’an correctly in Taraweeh.

 In this blessed month, every believer must also think that the Qur’an should be recited correctly and clearly in Taraweeh, and that it should be avoided in a hurry and by cutting out the letters, because reciting the Qur’an in this way is the word of God. It is against the greatness of God, and the Holy Qur’an itself curses the reader.

      Thus, all those who read and listen to the Holy Qur’an are sinners. Our situation is that Hafiz Sahib is cutting and reading the letters very fast, Surah Al-Fatiha is finished in one breath, bowing, prostration and tashahhud are not being performed properly, complete in forty five minutes. Prayers are over, now there is gossip in the gatherings for hours and none of Hafiz Sahib and his listeners even realize how much we have participated in insulting the Holy Quran and how many blessings in the blessed hours of Ramadan and how much of the Holy Quran Curse me May God protect you from this situation and do not close the door of blessings and blessings upon you in this blessed month and try to attain the happiness of Darwin by arranging to read and listen to the Holy Qur’an.

    D. Abundance of asking for forgiveness.

 The fourth task is to repent of one’s sins. It is narrated in a famous hadith from Hazrat Ka’b ibn Ujrah that once the Holy Prophet (sws) stepped on the first, second and third steps of the pulpit. He said, “Amen.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Gabriel (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to me, and when I stepped on the first step of the pulpit, he said, ‘May that person be killed.’ Whoever found the month of Ramadan was still not forgiven, I said Amen.

 Obviously, there is no doubt in the death of the person for whom Gabriel (peace be upon him) cursed and the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said Amen, so in this blessed month he should repent and seek forgiveness for his sins.

      E. Arranging prayers.

 In order to receive the blessings of Ramadan, it is also necessary to offer prayers. In many traditions, the prayers of the fasting person are announced to be accepted. It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: :

           Translation: “The supplication of three men is not rejected (must be accepted) at the time of fasting of a fasting person, the supplication of another just king, the third of the oppressed, Allah raises him above the clouds and opens the gates of heaven for him. Are given and it is said that I will definitely help you even if (for some reason) it takes some time. “

 In any case, this is the month of asking, so as much prayer as possible should be arranged, good prayers should be asked for yourself, your loved ones and relatives, for your relatives, for the country and the nation and for the world of Islam. He will definitely accept it, God willing.

     F. Abundance of charity.

 One should also try to give more voluntary alms in Ramadan. It is said in the hadith that the river of generosity of the Holy Prophet (sws) used to flow throughout the year, but in the month of Ramadan, the generosity of the Holy Prophet (sws) is such. It was like a gust of wind. Whoever came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would be rewarded. Therefore, in this blessed month, we should also follow this Sunnah and do a lot of charity.

     G. Decrease in food intake.

 The seventh thing that helps to achieve the goal of Ramadan is to “reduce the amount of food”, because the purpose of fasting is to reduce the power of libido and behemoth and increase the power of the kingdom and enlightenment, while eating more According to Shaykh-ul-Hadeeth Hazrat Maulana Zakariya (may Allah have mercy on him): The condition of our people is that in the time of Afzaar, the compensation is in Mafat (that is, he stays hungry all day) and in the time of Sahar, he is in the state of memorization (that is, he stays hungry all day). We eat in such a quantity that even without Ramadan it is not our turn to eat so much that it causes sour belching. In fact, we only change the meal times, ie in Afzaar, after Taraaweeh and then in Sehri, besides They do not reduce anything, but there are various kinds of excesses, due to which the power of eroticism and infidelity increases instead of decreasing and goes against the purpose. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

            “That is, Allah Almighty does not dislike filling a vessel as much as He dislikes filling a stomach. A few bites are enough for the Son of Man to keep his back straight.”

  If there is too much food, keep one-third for food, one-third for drinking and one-third for breathing. However, he should not eat so little that it interferes with the performance of acts of worship and other religious activities.

     H. Abstaining from sins.

 It is very important to abstain from sins, especially in Ramadan. Every believer should make sure that his eyes, ears and tongue will not be misused in this month of blessings and forgiveness, full of lies, backbiting, gossip and nonsense. He should abstain from fasting. He used to fast and turn on the television and spend time with obscene and filthy movies. He avoided food, drink and sexual intercourse which were halal, but he used to gossip in meetings. Gossip is being spread, false jokes are being told, thus the blessings of fasting are gone.

 It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

        Translation: “If a person does not give up false deeds and false words while fasting, then Allah Almighty does not need him to be hungry or thirsty.”

     In other words, in order for fasting to be acceptable, it is necessary for a person not only to abstain from food and drink, but also to protect his tongue and other limbs from sins and denials. If a person fasts and continues to speak of sin and sinful deeds, then Allaah will reward him. I don’t care about fasting. (

 In another hadith, it is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

         Translation: “There are those who fast that they do not get anything from the fruits of fasting except hunger, and there are those who stay up at night that they get nothing but waking up at night. Does not happen. “

      This means that if a person does not avoid sins (backbiting, etc.), then fasting, Taraweeh and Tahajjud are all useless.

 It is narrated on the authority of Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

        Translation: “Fasting is a shield for a man unless he tears it up.”

       That is, fasting is a means of protection for man from the devil, from hell, and from the punishment of Allah, unless he spoils the fast by committing sins (lying, backbiting, etc.).

 There is a hadith narrated from Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqah (may Allah be pleased with her) that if a person tries to insult or quarrel with a fasting person, then the fasting person should say that he is fasting. That is, I do not want to be deprived of the blessings of fasting by falling into such nonsense.

 The point of all these ahaadeeth is that it is very important to abstain from sins and denials in order to attain the purpose of fasting (taqwa) and the blessings of Ramadan, without which one cannot enjoy the bliss of taqwa.

 May Allah Almighty help us all to do all these things with His mercy, help us to appreciate Ramadan and help us to spend the time of this blessed month properly, Amen and Amen or Lord of the Worlds!

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