Our Mission Vaccinate All World Against COVID-19.


      This post contains following discussion and information:

        1.How will we know if COVID-19 vaccines are safe?

         2. How will I know which COVID-19 vaccine is best?

           3. How Islam guide us about treatment of COVID-19.

         4. Importance of Vaccines against COVID-19.

         5. How is the COVID-19 vaccine given?

         6. Types, Safety, Effectiveness and side effects of corona vaccine.

         7. General doubts and their answers about COVID-19 Vaccine.


   1.How will we know if COVID-19 vaccines are safe?

 As soon as i came home in the evening, my wife showed a video from a well-known digital platform in Pakistan based on the reaction of a volunteer for the corona virus vaccination. Volunteers were paid for by the government, with the aim of convincing viewers that people were being vaccinated against coronavirus for money. Since then I have been looking for reasons to vaccinate my wife. The housewives agree that persuading them to get vaccinated is actually a way to get rid of them.

 Since the onset of the epidemic, Pakistan, a country of 22 million people, has registered more than 100,000 cases of the virus, with thousands of deaths, according to official figures.

 The mortality rate here is 2.2%, which seems to be better than most developed countries, but the knot opens when the test rate is examined. That’s 0.18 for every 1,000 people.

 Last February the government announced the arrival of more than 500,000 doses of the Sinopharm vaccine donated by China, initially providing vaccines to millions of frontline healthcare workers.

 While the consignment of vaccines was initially provided with Z-grade security and the daughter of a former governor had to endure ridicule for being reluctant to be vaccinated, the health department was soon found to be looking for health workers who Had registered to be vaccinated.

 The latest situation is that despite the passage of more than a month of the vaccination campaign, Pakistan has so far been able to vaccinate about 13 Million people, ie 6% people out of a population of 100 people. This performance has made Pakistan one of the last countries in the graph of Ourworldindata’s corona vaccination program.

 Furthermore, according to statistics, out of 8 million citizens over the age of 65, only 240,000 have registered to receive the next round of vaccines. That is only three percent of the total number.

 Why the hesitation?

 According to a senior official attached to the vaccination program in Sindh Province, health workers are concerned about the possible side effects or reactions to the vaccine. A Peshawar doctor expressed similar concern. However, the statement of the Punjab Health Minister that those who want to get vaccinated should fulfill their responsibility.


 However, according to Dr. Faisal Sultan, Pakistan’s Minister of Health, the analysis of data on health workers’ reluctance to vaccinate is exaggerated. While emphasizing the usefulness of vaccines, they should not forget to remind that the safety rate of approved corona vaccines is more than 90%.

 According to Dr. Faisal Mahmood, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Aga Khan University, the main reason for avoiding the vaccine is related to its reaction, but rumors circulating on social media have created more mistrust.  


    2. How will I know which COVID-19 vaccine is best?

 The Chinese synoform vaccine is currently being given in Pakistan, while the global CoVAX initiative is delivering 14.6 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in two installments between March and May. At the same time, the government has approved the use of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.

 All three vaccines have undergone Phase III of clinical trials and are being used collectively in at least 10 countries, according to the medical journal The Lancet.

 It is worth mentioning here that the recent vaccine Sinopharm used in Pakistan is also being used in the Middle East countries along with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

 There is always hesitation about vaccines in Pakistan. Our media is not trained to explain scientific data to the general public in plain language. That is why people either do not understand or become more skeptical.

 It is also a fact that data on the effectiveness of treatment alone is not enough to dispel doubts, but also the overall trust in health care providers.

 Pakistan is on a global decline due to the access of the common man to the Pakistani health system and the infant mortality rate. It is one of the two countries in the world where polio is still endemic and There are a number of related challenges.

 Despite the fact that vaccines are manufactured by international companies and billions of dollars have been invested in their development. The people do not trust the government and the health system. The government has so far failed to adopt a strategy to reassure the general public whether it is a trial vaccine or a complete cure.

 The reason for the mistrust is the perception among the people that this is a foreign-funded program, so there may be another agenda for it. This trend has challenged the country’s ongoing polio eradication campaign.

 In this condition, doctors say there is a general feeling of indifference to the virus, which is due to the relatively low mortality and low incidence of serious illness in Pakistan compared to COVID-19.

 There is a feeling in society that “why should we get vaccinated? What difference does it make? Corona is not a big problem.” When it is not a problem at all, why get vaccinated?

 During the rise of corona virus in the country last June, more than 6,000 cases were reported daily in Pakistan and on June 19, 155 deaths were reported daily. This was a time when intensive care units in major cities were unable to admit more patients due to a lack of ventilators.

 However, as the rate improved, the government eased restrictions on social distance issues.

 Corona cases and a slow death rate have led to public disregard for the seriousness of the virus.

 There are still a lot of people in the public who don’t believe in covid, so how do you persuade them to get vaccinated?

 According to experts, in Pakistan or any other country where the rate of implementation of the vaccine program is low, there will always be the possibility of further outbreaks of the corona virus, the ability to resume normal life depends to a large extent on this. How quickly the Pakistani nation manages to get rid of the virus, and at the moment the only way to cross this milestone is through the vaccination program.

 Although the vaccine is not a magic bullet and adhering to social restrictions will be just as important, without the vaccine we will always be at greater risk.

 For the government, however, the problem of slow distribution of vaccines seems more serious than the outright refusal to vaccinate.

 This week, the number of daily vaccinations across the country reached 15,000, up from 3,000 a day at the start of the campaign, according to statistics.

 Doctors also say that once people start getting vaccinated and they see that people are not suffering from side effects, it is getting better, awareness is increasing and the number of people taking the vaccine is increasing. Is. In Peshawar, where initially only 36 health workers were vaccinated daily, between 70 and 80 doctors are currently being vaccinated at the same hospital. .

 If the pace of vaccination continues to accelerate, Pakistan will face more supply problems than demand.

 Currently, the government has approved the Sinopharm and Oxford University-AstraZeneca vaccines (two doses per person).

 Of course, the needs of this country with a population of 22 million cannot be covered by this estimate of vaccines.

 According to the health minister, the government will need vaccines for four and a half to five crore people by the end of the year, and to get this supply, we will get whatever is available from any institution anywhere.

 The government has also given the private sector the option to obtain approved vaccines for sale, although no company has yet been able to do so due to a shortage of vaccines globally.

 However, public health officials are skeptical that if the private sector continues to supply vaccines during the reduction in free public vaccines, its distribution in society will not be fair to those who have the resources. They will get vaccinated easily but the common man will not be able to afford it.

    3. How Islam guide us about treatment of COVID-19.

     Islam is a complete code of life. It is a comprehensive code of conduct and a perfect system of life. It can be said with claims that it contains guidelines for all aspects and stages of human life. That it also contains instructions regarding treatment and treatment. From the government to domestic and personal matters, I do not leave it at that.

 Health and illness are always problems in human life – no human being is always healthy, but many times he is preceded by diseases. In this case, he always turns to doctors and physicians and seeks his cure. Û”

 Islam gives three kinds of instructions in case of illness.

    1. When illness comes, turn to Allah immediately and pray with supplication and supplication, because in the same way that illness comes by His command, healing will also come by His command. The sick can never be healed.

    2. Withdraw charity. Because charity averts calamities and calamities, repels diseases.

    3. Pay attention to treatment, because Lord Dhu’l-Jalal has revealed its cure for every disease. There is no such disease for which there is no cure. Yes, but to say that the disease exists but its cure is not wrong.

 In this regard, the guidance of Islam is that the treatment should be done by a doctor and a hakim who is an expert in his art. He has the skill of both diagnosis and prescription. Medication should be taken with restraint and should be avoided with caution.

 Hazrat Saad Ibn Waqas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Once when I was ill, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) came to see me and placed his blessed hand on my chest. If he has a heart attack, take him to Harith bin Kalda, because he is an expert sage, and he should feed the seven ajuha dates of Madinah with coats.

 It is explained in the hadith that the treatment should be done by an expert physician and a specialist doctor. 

 At the moment, the Corona epidemic is on the rise, for the first time in history, the whole world has come to a standstill due to the disease. The medicine could not be discovered due to which the entire humanity was suffering from fear and panic.

 Now that a cure in the form of corona vaccine has come up to prevent this, a new problem has befallen the Muslims, saying that it is not wrong to inject “this medicine” with the vaccine. Pigs or human ingredients are included in its synthesis; but Muslims do not need to worry about the situation, because:


     + It is clear from the context of the vaccine that its use is valid, justified.


        + Because this vaccine is made from plants, as has been shown in the case of vaccines made in the UK. Or even if it contains some haraam ingredients, its use is correct because it Those components have completely changed, and this change is evident in the way they appear.

 Therefore, if it does not have a negative effect or reaction on a person’s life or any of his abilities, then its use will be allowed and what are the possible medical side effects? And what could be the negative effect of this? It can only be decided by medical experts.

 There are rumors circulating about some people saying that if the vaccine causes harm, then such harms and reactions are also caused by other drugs. Therefore, it is not wise to blame the vaccine alone.

    4. Importance of Vaccines against COVID-19.

     Vaccines We have the best protection against COVID-19. Regardless of your age, COVID-19 can lead to hospitalization, long-term health problems and death. Even if you have COVID-19, it is important to get vaccinated because it reduces your risk of getting COVID-19 again and can also prevent you from transmitting the disease to others.

 Also, the vaccine protects the people around you, especially those who have not yet been vaccinated, such as children. Vaccination, along with other preventative measures, can help us eliminate COVID-19 public health emergencies.

   5. How is the COVID-19 vaccine given?

 Below is information about the vaccine, including how it works, when and where the vaccine should be given, and what to expect after the vaccine.

 How to get the corona vaccine:


      A very easy and simple method has been introduced for vaccination against corona in Pakistan. Any Pakistani citizen can register by sending his / her ID card number to 1166 via free SMS and go to the nearest vaccination center to get vaccinated.

 Vaccination has been made easier for frontline health care workers. You can now go to any vaccination center and get vaccinated.

 Special instructions for vaccination:

 All eligible persons can check their eligibility by sending their ID card number 1166 or will use NIMS website for registration.


 Confirmation sms:

 A large SMS will be sent to the designated Covid Vaccination Center and the sender of the PIN code sms.

 Date of vaccination:

 Upon availability of the vaccine at the designated vaccination center, the persons concerned will be informed by sending an SMS approaching the date of vaccination.

 Arrival at the COVID-19 Vaccination Center:

 Upon successful registration, all individuals will visit the Cowed Vaccination Center on the given date with the original CNIC and PIN code received.

 Verification counter:

 And verify the PIN code. CNIC medical staff schedule

 Vaccination counter:

 After successful verification, everyone will go to the vaccination counter and get vaccinated.

 Confirmation sms:

 After the vaccination, the medical staff will enter the details in the NIMS, after which each individual will receive a confirmation message via SMS.

 After vaccination:

      Each person will stay in the vaccination center for about 30 minutes after the vaccination.

 Note: If the vaccine contains 2 doses, the next dose message will be sent automatically after 7 days.

       6. Types, Safety, Effectiveness and side effects of corona vaccine.


 The main purpose of writing this article is to reduce the uneasiness of the people to some extent and to increase their knowledge. The advantage of having basic information about any item is that the panic caused by a lot of rumors is reduced to some extent. Attempts have also been made to answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

     A.Types of vaccines

 Most vaccines are currently being developed in three ways.

 1) Un-activated viral vaccine:

 The virus is inactivated with a special chemical to make this vaccine. In simple words, a dead virus is introduced into the body. It does not cause disease, but our body becomes alert and develops antibodies to defend against the virus, and as soon as a live virus enters the body, it kills it before its number increases. Goes

 Example: synoform

 2) Viral vector vaccine:

 The virus that spreads in this vaccine is made into a virus that spreads the disease by inserting the identifying protein into a safe virus. Because the fake virus is shaped like a contagious virus, our body takes precautionary measures against it and kills it as soon as the real virus enters. Keep in mind that only the form of the fake virus resembles the original, it cannot spread a disease like the real virus.

 Example: AstraZeneca, Sputnik

 3) mRNa vaccine:

 This vaccine also works like a viral vector vaccine, the only difference being that the protein that is added to the protected virus is made in the laboratory.

 Example: Pfizer, Moderna

   B. Safety and Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine:

 Corona vaccine experiments

 Any vaccine is tested after it is made and before it is used so that the vaccine is completely safe during use. Any vaccine is usually made safe to use after going through 4 stages of testing.

 Like any other medicine in the laboratory, the first vaccine is given to animals (rabbits or mice, etc.) and checked to see if it is harmful. These experiments are performed in humans after laboratory experiments.

 Phase 1 trials:

         These experiments are performed with the consent of a very small group of healthy people. These individuals are checked on a daily basis and any side effects are noted. Each group is kept under observation for several months.

 Phase 2 trials:

         After successful Phase 1 trials, Phase 2 trials are conducted in a relatively large group, each group consisting of a few hundred people. These individuals are also selected with their consent and are monitored for several months.

 Phase 3 trials:

         These experiments are usually performed in large areas and involve a large number of people with their consent. They are also observed for a long time like Phases 1 and 2.

 The corona vaccine has been approved for use after nearly a year of testing. The experiments did not result in any fatal side effects.

     C. COVID-19 Vaccine side effects.

 Vaccines are usually very safe, but each vaccine has some minor side effects. These are actually signs of our body’s immune system being activated.

 After the vaccine, there may be mild fever, body aches, joint pains, stiffness and pain at the injection site, etc., which usually get better in a day or two, but this one day discomfort can kill us. Protects against disease.

 The most common reported side effect in Pakistan so far (about 90%) was pain at the injection site, followed by fever. Despite administering about 15 million doses, only about a dozen (10-12) severe reactions were reported, which later turned out to be non-vaccine-related.

 The AstraZeneca vaccine has caused severe side effects in some people. Because the cold virus has been used to make this vaccine, when it is injected, the body begins to misunderstand the virus’s proteins and the blood begins to clot.

 Therefore, after applying it, some people complained of blood clotting. (This is not a new problem, in some people their body makes antibodies against common germs that attack the germs as well as the heart valve, this is due to a genetic problem.)

 But keep in mind that this problem has occurred in very few people, which can be estimated from the fact that millions of people have been vaccinated, but only a few dozen people have this problem.

 As the complaint is more common in adolescents, it is safe for people over the age of 40.

     7. General doubts and their answers about COVID-19 Vaccine.

    1. Is there really a chip in the vaccine?

 Not at all The vaccine is usually made from a dead virus or an artificial virus (a variant of the virus that spreads the disease). No chip is possible.

 Even if the chip is present, it should be seen floating in the needle that does not come in, and the chip cannot pass through the syringe. And a chip could not be made that was not visible to the naked eye.

     2. Will vaccinators die in 2 years?

 The answer to this question is no. Vaccines are made to save lives. And to this day no one has died. Only God has the authority and knowledge of life and death.

     3. Will the vaccine increase the risk of infertility?

 Any living virus can only spread the relevant disease, and a dead virus can only prevent the relevant disease. The vaccine does not cause any other diseases. And arguably, Muslims believe that the right to have children belongs to God alone.

     4. Is the vaccine being forced?

 No individual is forcibly vaccinated. But it is our responsibility to protect ourselves by getting vaccinated. Some organizations may press for vaccinations to protect their employees because there are many others with you. If someone else gets sick because of you, you will be responsible.

      5. Why take the vaccine at your own risk?

 Although the vaccine is very safe, it cannot be given without your consent. And the duty of the vaccinating staff is only to vaccinate. If there is any reaction, the vaccinating staff is not responsible, so they are asked to administer the vaccine at their own risk.

     6. AstraZeneca vaccine and people under 40?

 Recently, Pakistan has started vaccinating people under the age of 40 under the demand of people. Under normal circumstances, the AstraZeneca vaccine is not for people under 40 years of age. There are other vaccines available for them, but if a person under the age of 40 wants to get the vaccine, he or she will do so at his or her own risk.

 We need to believe in our God and not pay attention to these rumors because disease can be a conspiracy and not a cure. The conspirators also need treatment. So instead of being confused, we should follow the instructions of the relevant experts.

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