Importance of Mashwara and aamal of raiwind markaz updates in English and Urdu.

Table of Contents

Raiwind Markaz Daily Updates.

   Raiwind is one of the famous place in the whole world where the whole of humanity is concerned that people from all over the world will be saved from hell and become heavenly. For this, Muslims from all over the world come to Raiwind and their jamat Are made in Pakistan and all over the world. After the formation of these groups, all members of jamat who going into the path of Allah Almighty at Raiwind Center are involved in special activities which start after the Zuhr prayers and continue till 12:30 the next day, followed by Dua and Then each jamat, with the obedience of its Amir, sets out to preach the religion of Islam at its place of tashkeel.

        In addition, after listening to the karguzari of different jamat that return from their tashkeel, there is talk of returning(wapsi) with them and then these jamat go back to their homes for local work at their hometown.

      In order to organize all these jamat, there are various departments in the Raiwind tablighi markaz which serve to meet all the needs of these parties. And the aamal are distributed for the parties going back home.

     Dates of Coming Raiwind Annual Ejtama 2023.

            رائےونڈ سالانہ اجتماع

          پہلا حصہ ؛3_ 4_5_ نومبر ۔

                حلقہ نمبر 3 ۔ دیر۔

                   حلقہ نمبر 5 ۔ سرگودھا ۔

                 حلقہ نمبر 13 ۔ بنوں ۔

               حلقہ نمبر 8 ۔  سندھ۔

        حلقہ نمبر 12 ۔ روالپنڈی ۔ 


      دوسرا حصہ 10_12_13 نومبر ۔

       حلقہ نمبر 2 ۔ گوجرانولہ ۔

        حلقہ نمبر 9 ۔ مانسہرہ ۔

        حلقہ نمبر 14 ۔ بھاولپور ۔

         حلقہ نمبر 16 ۔ کوھاٹ ۔

          حلقہ نمبر 17 ۔ مردان ۔



ترتیب بیانات رائیونڈ سالانہ عالمی اجتماع 2022 میں اس طرح سے تھی ۔

اجتماع کا پہلا حصہ 



بیان بعد نماز عصر

حضرت مولانا نذر الرحمن صاحب دامت برکاتہم العالیہ رائے ونڈ 

بیان بعد نماز مغرب

حضرت مولانا ابراہیم دیولہ صاحب دامت برکاتہم العالیہ انڈیا 


بروزِ جمعہ

بیان بعد نماز فجر

مولانا عبد الرحمن صاحب دامت برکاتہم العالیہ بمبئ 

بیان بعد نماز جمعہ


مولانا اسماعیل صاحب دامت برکاتہم العالیہ گودھرا 

بیان بعد نماز عصر

قاری زبیر صاحب دامت برکاتہم بنگلہ دیش

بیان بعد نماز مغرب

حضرت مولانا احمد لاٹ صاحب دامت برکاتہم العالیہ 


بروزِ ہفتہ

بیان بعد نماز فجر

حضرت مولانا ربیع الحق صاحب دامت برکاتہم العالیہ بنگلہ دیش

بیان بعد نماز ظہر 

بھائی فاروق صاحب بنگلور انڈیا 

بیان بعد نماز عصر

مولانا زہیر الحسن صاحب انڈیا 

بیان بعد نماز مغرب

حضرت مولانا ابراہیم دیولہ صاحب دامت برکاتہم العالیہ 


بروزِ اتوار

بعد نماز فجر


مولانا خورشید صاحب دامت برکاتہم 


حضرت مولانا ابراہیم دیولہ صاحب دامت برکاتہم العالیہ

   English Translation.

    Arrangement Statements(Bayan) Raiwind Annual World Gathering.

 November 3, 2022.

 First part of the assembly



 Statement after Asr prayer.

 Hazrat Maulana Nazrur Rahman Sahib Damat Barakatham Al Aaliya RaiWind.

 Statement after Maghrib prayer.

 Hazrat Maulana Ibrahim Deola Sahib Damat Barkatham Al Alia India.


 On Friday.

 Statement after Fajr prayer.

 Maulana Abdul Rehman Sahib Damat Barkatham Al Alia Bombay.

 Statement after Friday prayer.


 Maulana Ismail Sahib Damat Barkatham Al Alia Godhra.

 Statement after Asr prayer.

 Qari Zubair Sahib Damat Barkatham Bangladesh.

 Statement after Maghrib prayer.

 Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Lot Sahib Damat Barakatham Al Alia.


 On Saturday.

 Statement after Fajr prayer.

 Hazrat Maulana Rabiul Haq Sahib Damat Barakatham Ul Alia Bangladesh.

 Statement after Zuhr prayer.

 Bhai Farooq Sahib Bangalore India.

 Statement after Asr prayer.

 Maulana Zaheerul Hasan Sahib India.

 Statement after Maghrib prayer.

 Hazrat Maulana Ibrahim Deola Sahib Damat Barkatham Al Alia.


 On Sunday.

 After Fajr prayer


 Maulana Khursheed Sahib Damat barakatham.

  Finishing Dua.

 Hazrat Maulana Ibrahim Deola Sahib Damat Barkatham Al Alia.

    Raiwind Monthly Mashwara Dates for 2023.


          ماہانہ مشورہ کی تاریخیں 2023

                           9 _ جنوری 8

                             6_فروری 5

                    مارچ  جوڑ کی دعا کے بعد 

                          10 _اپریل 9

                           8 _ مئی7

                             5 _ جون 4


 Three Days Jorr In Raiwind.


    رائےونڈ میں حلقوں کے سہ روزہ جوڑ

 مشورہ کے بعد تاریخیں طے ھوں گیں 


 The distribution of aamal is as follows:

       Raiwind markaz mashwara daily Updates.

     Date: 1 September 2022 Thursday. 

     Hijri date: 4 Safar 1444.

    1. Three tasks.


     Delivered by:

     Moulana Ebdullah. 


     The three tasks are as follows.

     Zuhr Taalem.

      Ijtamai karguzari after magrib.

      Instructions for the jamat at 10 a.m.

      2. Return (wapsi) talk.

      Delivered by;

         Moulana Ghulam Murtaza.

     3. Bayan in Asr.

        Umoomi bayan.

        Delivered by:

       Moulana Nazar ur Rehman.

         Bayan in 4 months brothers.


         Delivered by:

        Shabe Jumma. 

      Bayan among the scholars.

     Delivered by:

         Shabe Jumma. 

      Bayan for the Arabs.

     Delivered by:

       Shabe Jumma.

      Bayan in different languages
      Country brothers. 

      Delivered by:

     Shabe Jumma. 

        Bayan in English.

      Delivered by:
      Shabe Jumma.

     Bayan in Students and Teachers.

      Delivered by:
        Shabe Jumma.

     4. Taalem of Isha (Hayat Sahaba Karam Rizwan Allah Alayhim Ajmeen)

        Delivered by:

     Moulana Zia ul Haq.

      5. Bayan of Fajr.

         Delivered by:
       Moulana Ejaz Hussain.

   Translation in Urdu.


  تاریخ: 1ستمبر   2022. بروز جمعرات 

    . ہجری تاریخ 4 صفر 1444

 1. تین کام۔

       مولانا عباداللہ صاحب ۔

    تین کام درج ذیل ہیں۔

    ظہر کی تعلیم۔

      مغرب میں اجتماعی کارگزاری۔

     صبح 10 بجے جماعتوں کو ھدایات۔

      2. واپسی کی بات 

      مولانا غلام مرتضیٰ صاحب ۔

    3. عصر میں بیان

       عصر عمومی بیان۔

    مولانا نذر الرحمن صاحب ۔

     چار ماہ لگائے ھوے افراد میں بیان۔

        شب جمعہ۔

     علماء کرام میں بیان۔

       شب جمعہ۔

     عرب حضرات میں بیان۔

    شب جمعہ۔

     مختلف زبان والوں میں بیان۔

     شب جمعہ۔

    انگریزی میں بیان۔

    شب جمعہ۔

      عصری تعلیمی اداروں کے طلباء اور اساتذہ کرام میں بیان ۔

  . شب جمعہ

    4.تعلیم عشاء (حیات صحابہ کرام رضوان اللہ علیہم اجمعین).

      مولانا ضیاء الحق صاحب ۔

     5. فجر کا بیان۔

       مولانا اعجاز حسین صاحب ۔

       Importance of Mashwara.

 Islam is a system of nature and a code of conduct in which every member of society is given basic importance. Islam emphasized the importance of consultation(Mashwara) and not only commended the process but also directed on various occasions that consultation and consultation be carried out.

 In the Holy Qur’an, Allah Almighty says:

      “And associate with them in such (important and collective) affairs. Then, when you have a firm intention, put your trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves (and loves) those who put their trust in Him.” To

 (Surat al-Imran)

 Similarly, he said about the believers: And those who conduct their important affairs by mutual consultation. Undoubtedly, counseling is a source of goodness, blessings, prosperity and descent of mercy, there is no harm in it and there is no aspect of shame.

     The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

      No human being is ever helpless and helpless by doing Mashwara, nor can he ever attain any good by giving up Mashwara.

        On one occasion, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

     “He who did Istikharah did not fail and he who do Mashwara was not ashamed.”

        Similarly, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

 Mashwara is a bulwark against embarrassment and a means to escape guilt. ”

  Hazrat Saeed bin Musaib says that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: No human being destroy after consultation(Mashwara).

 Summary: Consultation is a very important matter. Guidance and goodwill are related to it. As long as the system of consultation remains, corruption and misguidance will not find its way. There will be an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. That is why. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

     When your rulers are the best of you and your wealthy are generous and your affairs are settled by mutual consultation, it is better for you to be on earth, and when your rulers are the worst of people and your wealthy are stingy and your affairs are for women. It would be better for you to be buried in the ground than to be alive. ”

 The advice was described as a special attribute of Muslims.

 The Almighty says:

    The believers are those who obey the command of their Lord, establish the prayer, and their deeds are done by mutual consultation, and they spend out of what We have given them.

 (Surat al-Shura: 2)

  One of the attributes of Muslims described in this verse is mutual consultation, ie resolving an important issue through mutual consent. Explaining the issue of immediate consultation shows its extraordinary importance, perhaps this is why the Companions, and especially the Rightly Guided Caliphs, made consultation and mutual consultation their norm.

 Allaah also commanded the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to do Mashwara.

    Allah Almighty said: O Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)! You should consult the Companions in matters and miscellaneous matters.

 (Surat al-Imran)

    Apparently, the Holy Prophet (sws) did not need any advice, because the door of revelation(wahee) was open for him. If he wanted, he could know through revelation what and how to do it. ?

   That is why the commentators have discussed here what is meant by the command of Mashwara.

    Hazrat Qatadah(R.A) and some other commentators believe that this order was given to satisfy the hearts of the Companions and to give them dignity, because in Arabia it was a matter of honor and pride to seek advice and opinion.

 The fact is that although the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was guided in many matters through revelation(wahee), but for the sake of wisdom and expediency, some matters would be left to the opinion and discretion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was commanded to consult the Companions, so that the Sunnah of consultation may continue in the ummah, and people may understand that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was commanded to do Mashwara despite having full understanding and insight. Then we need it more and more,

    So it was said: Remember! Allah and His Messenger are completely deprived of Mashwara, but Allah Almighty has made it a cause of mercy for the Ummah.

       Allah Almighty has taught the Muslims the virtue of Mashwara through this command, so that your ummah may follow it after you.

 Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I did not find anyone who do Mashwara more than the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

     For example:

      When the battle of Badr was over, Muhammad (sws) do Mashwara with the Companions about the captives of Badr to be released or killed for ransom. Regarding the battle of Uhud, Muhammad (sws) whether to resist by staying inside the city of Madinah or by leaving the city. In general, the opinion of the Companions was to go out, so the Prophet (peace be upon him) accepted it. When Sa’d ibn Mu’adh and Sa’d ibn ‘Abadah did not consider it appropriate to reconcile on a special treaty in the khandak war, they did not consider it appropriate, so they disagreed. After accepting the opinion of both of them, Muhammad (sws) consulted in a matter of Hudaybiyyah and then decided on the opinion of Hazrat Abu Bakar(R.A).

  Similarly, regarding the call to prayer(Azaan), the Companions consulted Sahaba Rizwanullah Alayhim Ajmeen about the method to be used for calling for five times prayers. There are many such examples which show that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to consult the Companions in matters in which there was no guidance from Allaah on the basis of any wisdom.

 The teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah make it clear that the Holy Prophet (sws) not only do Mashwara with the Companions in important matters and matters, but also acted on them.

     After the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when the time of the Sahaba(R.A) came, they had before them the standard of beauty of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on one side and the Qur’aan and hadeeth on the other. In both, very clear instructions were given to the Companions themselves on what basis they should establish their political system and what the method of legislation should be.

  Hazrat Abu Salama (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that I asked the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) what should be done if there is a matter which is not mentioned in the Qur’an or in the Sunnah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that the righteous people of the Muslims would consider and decide on this matter. (Sunan Darmi)

 One should always consult a person who has full insight and experience in the relevant matter, so one should consult an expert and religious scholar in religious matters and it is useful to choose a good doctor about any disease and physical health. Will be. As is the case, experts and veterans of the same art should be selected, because without experience, the intellect alone cannot succeed, as if both the intellect and the experience must be present at the same time to seek advice. You can’t get the right guidance without each other. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) once said: Consult with the wise, you will succeed and do not oppose them, otherwise you will be ashamed.

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